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Supporting students' social and emotional development through and within education

Discover social and emotional learning principles for instructional design

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CIVIS focus area
Open to
  • Bachelor's
  • Master's
  • Phd
Field of studies
  • Medicine and Health
  • Social Science and humanities
  • Short-term
  • CIVIS Hub 3
Course dates
13-17 June 2022

This CIVIS course addresses social and emotional learning principles for instructional design, in order to achieve sustainable lesson goals and formulate valuable opportunities for students’ holistic development at all grades.

The CIVIS SEL Summer School is envisioned as a one-week journey that will cover all major identified areas that relate to SEL curriculum design and alignment (i.e. instructional planning, teaching and assessment strategies, etc.). Within the CIVIS SEL Summer School activities, the principles of Responsibility, Critical Thinking, Innovation, Emotional Intelligence, and Collaboration will be used as benchmarks, so that trainees will gain an up-to-date overview of major developments around the educational challenges and possibilities affecting students’ social-emotional development nowadays. For this purpose, digital technologies will be used as tools for enhancing trainees’ collaboration and understanding of basic theoretical and practice-based SEL principles with an introduction to the trialogical learning model. The program will also explain the importance of integrating SEL into Whole School Approaches school as a key component for improved student learning and sustainable school-community corporations.

Main topics addressed

  • Major identified areas that relate to SEL curriculum design and alignment (i.e. instructional planning, teaching and assessment strategies, etc.).
  • Use of digital technologies as tools for enhancing trainees’ collaboration and understanding of basic theoretical and practice-based SEL principles with an introduction to the trialogical learning model.
  • Integration of SEL into Whole School Approaches school as a key component for improved student learning and sustainable school- community corporations.

Learning outcomes

Within the CIVIS SEL Summer School participants will:

  • Acquire basic factual knowledge in the field of SEL-based curriculum design (e.g. cognitive and practical skills required to use SEL in order to design tasks and activities for their classes)
  • Acquire knowledge of facts, principles, and processes required to select and apply teaching methods, tools, and materials relevant to SEL.
  • Take responsibility for the completion of tasks within the project-based format of the CIVIS SEL Summer School activities and work with others to design and evaluate SEL curricula.


Dates: 13-17 June 2022 Duration: 5 days
Format: Virtual Contact hours: 30 hours
Language: English (B2) Individual workload: 80 hours
Contact: adania@phed.uoa.gr ECTS: 5*

Prior to the beginning of the course, enrolled participants will be asked to complete 5 hours of preparatory work (suggested readings).

* The recognition of ECTS depends on your home university.


Four 60-minute lectures, four 90-minute webinars, four 90-minute hands-on workshops, four 45-minute group discussions divided equally into five consecutive days, each day the program lasting from 10.00-17.15 with breaks for coffee and lunch in between.


This CIVIS course is open to Bachelor's, Master and PhD students at one of CIVIS member universities. A B2 level of English is required.

Application process

Interested students should send a short CV and cover letter indicating their motivation to attend the course to selschool@phed.uoa.gr.

The application deadline is 3 June 2022. Selected students will be notified on 6 June 2022.


The CIVIS SEL Summer School will offer a structured learning environment for students. Students will maintain a portfolio so that they and their lecturers can monitor the development of their skills and competencies. Padlet and wiki activities will be used to help and support the international collective production of the final presentation. The participants will be invited to add some videos as a final output to express what they learned and how to apply it (micro video clips of 180 seconds as a final pitch). CommonSpaces platform also will be introduced as a digital example of trialogical approach and all produced materials will be organized as learning paths available to anyone.

The evaluation criteria are the following:

  • Online attendance
  • Interaction within groups
  • Relevance of assignments to the established Social and Emotional Learning criteria
  • Timely submission of assignments

Additional information

Τhis Summer School is designed to promote the exchange of knowledge, ideas, and discussions on SEL in various educational fields, and instigate new practices and/or strategies of curriculum design that will apply to most educational fields. Therefore, the SEL Summer School aims to create bonds among partner institutions, academics, and students, and offer networking opportunities for the setting up of future CIVIS courses based on SEL. As such, this Summer School is eligible for a Certificate in SEL that will be recognized for the attendance of the CIVIS SEL Open Course.

General Eligibility Criteria for CIVIS Courses

Applicants need to be enrolled at their home university in order to be eligible for selection and participation.  If uncertain about your status at your home university (part-time or exchange students etc) please check with your home university’s website or International Office. 

Applicants who will be receiving other Erasmus funds for the duration of the course are not entitled to funding. Participation in the course may still be possible under “zero-grant” status, but applicants should contact their home university in order to confirm this. 

A list of links and contacts for each university can be found in this Q&A.

GDPR Consent

The CIVIS alliance and its member universities will treat the information you provide with respect. Please refer to our privacy policy for more information on our privacy practices. By applying to this course you agree that we may process your information in accordance with these terms.

Aspasia Dania is an Assistant Professor in Physical Education Teaching at the School of Physical Education and Sport Science of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece. Research interests in curriculum planning and innovative pedagogies, teacher professional development and instructional design. 

Indicative publications:

  • Dania, A. (2021). An autoethnography of becoming critical in Physical Education Teacher Education, Curriculum Studies in Health and Physical Education, DOI: 10.1080/25742981.2021.1926299
  • Dania, A., & Griffin, L. (2020). Using social network theory to explore a participatory action research collaboration through social media. Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health.
  • Dania A., & Tannehill D. (2021) Moving within Communities of Practice as an act of performing professional wellbeing within Physical Education settings. In AIESEP World e-Conference “Descending the Mountains” (p. 198). University of Alberta, McGill University, 7-10 June 2021.

Maria Antonietta Impedovo is Senior Lecturer in Psychology of Education in Aix Marseille, France. She teaches at INSPE, School of Education, Master in Teacher Education. Research interests in identity and teacher agency, teacher professional development. Expert in Collaborative Learning and Social Regulation.

  • Monograph: Impedovo, M.A. (2021). Identity and Teacher Professional Development: A Reflective, Collaborative and Agentive Learning Journey. SPRINGER BRIEF. ISBN978-3-030-71367-6. ISBN online 978- 3-030-71366-9

Marco Montanari, psychologist and research fellow at Sapienza Università di Roma teaches Experimental Pedagogy and Work Psychology. His research interests are digital education in relation to pedagogical approaches and emotional intelligence in education and in leadership studies.