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News, open calls and recent updates from PolyCIVIS!

Stay informed for the recent updates, and seize opportunities to get involved. Below you will find the most recent calls for contributions from the PolyCIVIS Research, Policy and Teaching Work Packages.

Since the project was launched, a lot of work has been done and many activities are in development. 

PolyCIVIS’ consortium members held the project’s third annual meeting virtually on May 22, 2024. Building consensus, creating common understanding and securing consistency throughout the network are the key outcomes of this meeting, which served as an opportunity for the consortium partners to delve into various topics, covering everything from internal planning to dissemination activities and more in depth collaboration within our network members.

Read the full article here

PolyCIVIS' vibrant community is making waves at top national and international events!

This article highlights the impactful participation of PolyCIVIS members in various external events.

Read the full article here.

We recommend some special events for you – all focused on creating impact through the different roles we all have, as academics, researchers, students, and changemakers- which aim to make a positive contribution to a sustainable future.

Learn more.

"One World, Many Crises: Politics, Law and Beyond" is an international conference held by NKUA (March 2024) calling for greater action and noting that concrete policy responses are needed for a sustainable future. Professor Emmanuella Doussis wrote an article to reflect on the topics raised during the conference.

Read the full article from here.

This is an article by Prof. Ali Bougatef and Prof. Mohamed Makni from the Food Department at the Higher Institute of Biotechnology of Sfax, University of Sfax, explaining the effective measures for addressing the food crisis in Africa.

Read the article from here

In an era marked by multifaceted challenges, from economic instability to climate change and global pandemics, the art of policy making has never been more crucial. To shed light on this complex landscape, we had the privilege of sitting down with Professor Malte Borsig from the University of Witwatersrand. With his expertise in international relations and governance, Professor Borsig shared invaluable insights unraveling the complexity and interconnection of polycrises and their implications for policy formulation.

Explore the complete interview by clicking here!

Attention PolyCIVIS's community! Get ready to mark your calendars, as the third Consortium Council is just around the corner, scheduled for the 22nd May in an online format.

This pivotal gathering coordinated by Université libre de Bruxelles, serves as the platform where we unveil the latest updates and insights emerging from our diverse work packages. While this is an internal meeting, we are committed to sharing updates and future activities with our extended network. Stay tuned for a wealth of information and be sure not to miss out on this essential event.

Call for Inputs

This call is now closed.

Deadline: 26 April 2024

On its mission to design teaching programs focused on addressing the complexities of the polycrisis, the Teaching WP is calling all academics and scholars to share their knowledge about existing modules and courses currently offered by educational institutions within the PolyCIVIS network and beyond. 
We are specifically interested in existing courses and modules that address any specific crisis, from a single disciplinary approach, or an interdisciplinary one. 
Here's how you can contribute:
  • You can provide information about relevant courses and modules taught in your environment (faculties, universities, or other educational institutions.), and/ or 
  • Share your ideas and help us design a new series of  joint teaching programs in the scope of PolyCIVIS’ agenda.
All the information can be found here
You can access the questionnaire using this online form, or if you already have the word document provided by the Teaching WP4, you can download it and send it to Kanifa Kamatara (Makerere University), at

Call for Papers

This call is now closed.

Deadline: 22 April 2024

The PolyCIVIS Policy WP is launching the Policy Brief Series to generate concise and actionable guidance to policymakers in national governments, the European Union, African governments, and regional institutions.

The call for contributions addresses all 21 member universities in Africa and Europe, and aims to gather cohesive yet comprehensive perspectives from diverse disciplines and fields of expertise, including but not limited to: International Relations, Law, Epidemiology, Economics, Climate Sciences, Medicine, History, Network Science, Language Studies.

External experts interested in this call can also contact Policy WP leads as there are co-writing opportunities available between our network members and external experts.

These briefs will serve as resources for navigating the complexities of the polycrisis and formulating effective strategies to promote resilience to current and future global challenges.

If you are a scholar, practitioner, or policymaker and you ‘d like to share with us an original research article, a case study, or an analytical essay, please see the submission guidelines here.


Call for Contributions

This call is now closed.

Deadline: 30 April 2024.

In the context of Research WP2, we invite contributions for articles, ongoing research, publications and relevant contacts of academics, policy makers and researchers. As part of the creation of a cartography on polycrisis, we are welcoming academic as well as policy and practice-based submissions. Thus, contributions from policy-makers, policy experts, intermediary organisations, advanced students and academics from both Africa and Europe are highly appreciated! 
If you have any publications to recommend on polycrisis, multiple crisis or similar notions, if you would like to suggest data analysis, or you are aware of a policymaker, academic, or researcher whose focus is on these topics, please fill out this online form.  
We look forward to your contributions!