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News, open calls and recent updates from PolyCIVIS!

Stay informed for the recent updates, and seize opportunities to get involved. Below you will find the most recent calls for contributions from the PolyCIVIS Research, Policy and Teaching Work Packages.

We are delighted to announce the Call for Policy Briefs: Polycrisis and Policy Series by the PolyCIVIS Network. This series seeks to deepen understanding and influence discussions on the complex concept of the polycrisis by exploring both theoretical frameworks and pressing policy challenges.

We welcome contributions from academics, policymakers, experts, researchers, and analysts eager to advance research, data collection, and knowledge sharing. This initiative is dedicated to fostering collaboration, enhancing policy insights, and addressing the evolving challenges of the polycrisis across Europe and Africa through interdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary approaches.

Read the open call

Key Dates:

03 April 2025 Abstract Submission: (250-word abstract outlining the main arguments and policy recommendations)

16 April 2025: Notification of acceptance of abstracts and invitation to submit a policy brief

05 June 2025: First Draft Submission

Policy Briefs Guidelines for Submission


Submit your abstract


Join us on 25 March 2025 at 12:00-13:00 CET to discuss the topic of "Strategies for Addressing Polycrisis in the Sahel Region" with John Oti Amoah, Research Fellow at the Centre for Gender Research, Advocacy and Documentation (CEGRAD), University of Cape Coast. 

This is a unique opportunity to learn about the recent conflict in the Sahel region and presents an opportunity to examine unbounded crises and the efforts to address this unfolding situation and learn about the specific realities, challenges and opportunities  faced by the 21 countries represented on PolyCIVIS.

Speaker: John Oti Amoah. Research Fellow at the Centre for Gender Research, Advocacy and Documentation (CEGRAD), University of Cape Coast (UCC), Ghana

Moderator: Dan Schreiber (ULB)

Time: 12:00 - 13:00 CET

Join us in a 20 minute presentation followed by a 30 minute discussion among the participants!

The discussion will be aimed at the PolyCIVIS community.  Email us at to provide you the link of this event. 


The recent conflict in the Sahel region presents an opportunity to examine unbounded crises and the efforts to address this unfolding situation. The ongoing complex armed conflict has forced millions of people to flee their homes for survival (UNHCR, 2022). The widespread experiences of affected civilians have spillover effects in neighbouring countries. These cross-border and overlapping threats continue to expose the limitations of social policies and the resilience of socioeconomic systems at the community, household, national, regional and global levels. How polycrisis manifests in different contexts, particularly in Sub-Saharan Africa and the responses by governments and other regional and global actors appear to be unclear. In this webinar, I will shift the debate on polycrisis by investigating the drivers of armed conflict in the Sahel region and responses to it.

Speaker bio

John Oti Amoah is a Research Fellow at the Centre for Gender Research, Advocacy and Documentation (CEGRAD), University of Cape Coast (UCC), Ghana and a Lecturer at the Centre for African and International Studies, UCC. He received his PhD in Development Studies from UCC, Ghana & University of Kassel, Germany. His current research focuses on social policy, gender and livelihoods studies, conflict and sustainable development.

From 2022 to 2023, he was a postdoctoral fellow at the Center of Urban Ethnographies at the Brazilian Center for Analysis Planning (NEU/Cebrap) in São Paulo. John also held a postdoctoral fellow position at the Institute of African Studies, University of Ghana from 2021 to 2022 and in 2019, he was a postdoctoral fellow at the International Center for Development and Decent Work, University of Kassel, Germany. 

Prior to joining the University of Cape Coast (UCC), he was a steering committee member of the International Center for Development and Decent Work, University of Kassel from 2015 to 2017.

John has presented papers at international conferences and workshops in Ghana, France, Germany, Uganda, Mexico, Brazil, Kenya, Senegal, Belgium, South Africa and Pakistan, among others. He serves on the Faculty of Social Sciences Research Committee at UCC and has over 20 peer-reviewed journal publications indexed in Scopus. 

In addition, John has also served as a consultant for international organizations, including USAID, UNFPA, French Embassy in Ghana, Solidaridad and Plan International. 


The Polycrisis & Policy Brief Series is coordinated by the Policy Work Package which is part of the PolyCIVIS Network. The PolyCIVIS Policy brief series aims to provide actionable insights and recommendations for policymakers, at various levels and to foster dialogue among stakeholders on effective policy. Read in-depth expert analyses  bringing interdisciplinary solutions to global challenges and new approaches to humanitarian aid in the polycrisis.

Foundational Policy brief no. 1*

This PolyCIVIS Foundational Brief explores the complexities of the 'polycrisis', an era defined by
interconnected global challenges.

By: Dan Schreiber, Sarah Hassnaoui, Anne Weyembergh, Malte Brosig,
Kamatara Kanifa, Anthony Tibaingana

Policy brief no.2*

This policy brief offers actionable alternatives to address these pressing challenges  by advocating for localized humanitarian responses and systems-thinking approaches.

By Evika Karamagioli, Manos Pikoulis, Chrysafo Arvaniti


As part of the PolyCIVIS Network, the Policy Work Package, in collaboration with the European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM), invites you to a webinar marking the launch of the first batch of the Policy Brief series. 

This series informs and shapes the discourse on the multifaceted concept of polycrisis. It aims to provide actionable insights and recommendations for policymakers at various levels and to foster dialogue among stakeholders on effective policy responses.

Why Attend?
This webinar will spotlight two key policy briefs that address critical aspects of the polycrisis:

  • Policy Brief 1: From Polycrisis to Polysolutions: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Complex Global Challenges
  • Policy Brief 2: Humanitarian Aid in the Polycrisis: A Shift to Local and Systems Thinking Approaches

Beyond these key topics, the broader Policy Brief series will cover essential areas such as environmental sustainability, social insurance, humanitarian action, the circular economy, and internal displacement.

What to Expect?
  • In-depth presentations from leading experts.
  • Engaging discussions with policymakers, researchers, and stakeholders.
  • Opportunities to discuss effective and sustainable policy solutions.


Dan Schreiber, PolyCIVIS Policy WP co-leader, Doctor, Université Libre de Bruxelles

Chrysafo Arvaniti, PolyCIVIS Advisory Board member, scientific associate of the MSc in Global Health and Disaster Medicine

Evika Karamagioli, Scientific Associate of the MSc Global Health -Disaster Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, NKUA


Malte Brosig, PolyCIVIS Policy WP co-leader, Professor, University of the Witwatersrand 


Sophie Desmidt, Associate director of ECDPM's Peaceful Societies and Accountable Governance cluster and Head of the Peace, security and resilience workstream 

Date: Thursday, 13 March 2025
Time: 12:30 - 14:00 (GMT+1)

Registration link: Click here 

Be part of this crucial conversation and help drive policy development in response to today’s complex global challenges.

watch the recording

Since the project was launched, a lot of work has been done and many activities are in development. 

In the PolyCIVIS podcast series, we engage with experts from diverse disciplines to explore the complexities of the polycrisis and its effects on research, policy, and education.

Listen to the podcasts:

Climate change adaptation in West Africa: an interplay with the polycrisis?

With Professor Ahmadou Aly Mbaye, Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar


 Innovative pedagogies as an approach to the polycrisis.

With Assistant Professor Aspasia Dania, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

*for this podcast, we were very glad to have with us Katerina Schoina, Co-chair of the CIVIS Global Student Council and Doctoral Candidate at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens


Archaeological monuments, cultural heritage and climate change: liaisons of polycrisis?

With Professor and Vice-Rector Sophia Papaioannou, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens


These podcasts were recorded at the Media Studios of Paris Lodron Universität Salzburg with the support of CIVIS University Alliance.

Concept and Interviews: Professor Dimitris Gouscos, Communication and Dissemination WP Co-leader (NKUA)

CIVIS Global Student Council Representative: Katerina Schoina, Co-chair of the CIVIS Global Student Council and Doctoral Candidate at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

Audio Editing: Yves Coudron

Studio Technician and Recording: Simon Haigermoser (PLUS)

General Production: PolyCIVIS Communication and Dissemination WP

Special Thanks to: María Isabel Soldevila Brea and Jeanne Sadzot from the CIVIS Communication Unit 




Polycrisis: Migration, Displacement, Conflict and Humanitarianism” was the title of the sub-themed panel which was led by Professor Zagel Gudrun (PLUS) as part of the 3rd International Conference on Geographical Science for Resilient Communities, Ecosystems and Livelihoods under Global Environmental Change

Dates: 4-6 December 2024, Uganda

Key issues rased, were:

  • Concepts of polycrisis
  • Polysolutions, pathyways out of polycrisis
  • Research presentations on polycrisis 
  • Management of polycrisis and post-polycrisis

With contributions from Makarere and PLUS universities, this event inspired actionable pathways to shape the future of crisis responses, emphasizing education’s vital role in tackling these challenges. 


Euro-African Trade and Investment Relations and the Polycrisis

We are thrilled to announce that more than 90 students from both Europe and Africa have already enrolled in the Euro-African Trade and Investment Relations and the Polycrisis Blended Intensive Programme (BIP)!

This achievement highlights the strong interest in exploring critical issues at the intersection of trade, investment, and the polycrisis.

Designed by PLUS University and Makerere University, this programme offers a unique opportunity for students across the two contintents to exchange and gain hands-on experience in negotiating agreements aimed at tackling the polycrisis, drawing on theoretical knowledge of EU-African Trade and Investment Agreements.

About the BIP

This Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) includes a physical mobility and a virtual part, providing an immersive and flexible experienceIt is open to students currently studying at Bachelor's, Master's and PhD level, interested on the topic of polycrisis. 

Course dates: 6 March - 27 June 2025

CIVIS Focus Area: Cities, territories and mobilities

Amid the complex challenges of our time, Lara Leik’s reflection from the PolyCIVIS Public Session during CIVIS Days 2024 offers a hopeful perspective. Don’t miss her insightful take on how we can turn today’s obstacles into tomorrow’s opportunities for change.


The 4th Faculty of Law Legal Aid Project (FOLLAP) conference, hosted by Egerton University with the collaboration of the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP), delved into the critical intersections of climate change and social justice. Held at Lake Naivasha, Kenya, this landmark conference explored how climate crises impact vulnerable communities, particularly women and children, while discussing the legal and societal responses. 

Ruth Aura ( Egerton University) and Gudrun Zagel (PLUS) wrote a report to help us learn more about fostering climate justice and empowering marginalized voices.


On Tuesday, December 17 2024, at the Maison Méditerranéenne des Sciences de l’Homme (MMSH, Aix-en-Provence) and online via Zoom, Aix-Marseille University organised a thought-provoking seminar  with the title “Is the Polycrisis a Relevant Concept for Studying Migration?”

This interdisciplinary event, featured experts Anne Weyembergh and Dan Schreiber from PolyCIVIS, to discuss how interconnected crises shape migration dynamics across Europe and Africa.

PolyCIVIS’s participation in CIVIS Days 2024 brought valuable opportunities for an insightful dialogue between European and African experts. Through our public event, we explored approaches to addressing global crises. Below are key insights and takeaways from our engagement during the event.

Learn More

What drive migrants into clandestinity leading them into radically different and extreme living conditions? 

University Joseph KI-ZERBO, Ouagadougou - Burkina Faso, is organizing “Multidimensional Analysis of Illegal Immigration: Understanding, Preventing, and Integrating”, an in-depth international conference exploring the complex realities of clandestine migration and the challenges faced by migrants navigating unauthorized mobility across borders.

This conference will focus on the pressing issue of clandestine migration, particularly from Sub-Saharan Africa to Europe, and will address critical themes, particularly: 

  • the impact of restrictive migration policies,
  • the human rights and the health challenges of migrants, 
  • the social and economic consequences of migration for both African countries of origin and European destinations.

Panel Discussions

19 November 2024

Panel 1: Institutional approach to migration: Moderators: Dr Mahamoudou ZONGO and Dr Zakaria SORE

Panel 2: Migration policies, rights and health: Moderators: Pr André Kamba SOUBEIGA and Pr Claudine Valérie ROUAMBA

20 November 2024

Panel 3: The causes of immigration: Moderators: Pr Ramané KABORE et Pr Issa SOME (with the contribution of PolyCIVIS’ representation)

Panel 4: Persistence of migratory flows and tragedies: Moderators: Pr Augustin PALE and Dr Siaka OUATTARA

21 November 2024

Panel 5: Perceptions of current migratory flows: Moderators: Pr Alkassoum MAIGA and Dr Alexis KABORE

The full programme is available in French and can be found here

By addressing these critical issues, the conference aims to foster a deeper understanding of the African migration experience and its implications for Europe, encouraging dialogue and cooperation between the two continents to find sustainable solutions.

PolyCIVIS’ participation 

In this context, PolyCIVIS is invited to contribute to Panel 3 on Wednesday 20th November entitled Causes de l’immigration clandestine (The causes of illegal immigration), moderated by Pr Ramané KABORE et Pr Issa SOME. PolyCIVIS will be represented by ULB and other PolyCIVIS members (more details TBA). 


"Facing Polycrisis in Europe and Africa" 

A crucial hybrid panel discussion on the pressing topic of polycrisis took place during CIVIS Days 2024 in Salzburg.

This event is linked to the  PolyCIVIS network, a collaboration between the CIVIS Alliance members and 4 additional African universities.

Watch the recorded roundtable discussion

PolyCIVIS’s 21 universities collaborated in this event bringing together experts from a range of disciplines to reflect together on future strategies, joint actions and consequences of polycrisis. 

Prof. Ahmadou Aly Mbaye, Faculty of Economics and Public Policies, Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar
Prof. Mucha Musemwa, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities, University of the Witwatersrand
Prof. Edward Bbaale, Principal & Professor of Economics, Makerere University
Prof. Gudrun Zagel, Faculty of Law, Paris Lodron University of Salzburg
Prof. Anne Weyembergh, PolyCIVIS Project Director, Université libre de Bruxelles (moderator)

Defining and understanding polycrisis
Exploring polycrisis’ interconnected global risks and cascading effects
Social impacts and inequalities
Changing the narrative: solutions and resilience

The event was attended by:
This timely event was succesfully attended by researchers, academics, students, policymakers, and other key stakeholders interested in polycrisis, from Africa, Europe and beyond. 

Understanding crises through a PolyCIVIS lens: bridging continents and modeling joint teaching programmes across Africa and Europe

On September 25th, a group of academics and students gathered during CIVIS Days for an insightful discussion led by Makerere University (Uganda) and Paris Lodron University Salzburg (Austria). The focus? How to create innovative teaching programs to address the growing challenges of interconnected global crises like climate change, economic instability, and social inequality.

Drawing on the Euro-African Trade and Investment Relations and the Polycrisis Blended Intensive Program (BIP) which is scheduled to last between 6 March - 27 June 2025, the session explored ways to expand this interdisciplinary approach to teaching. Participants discussed how universities can leverage existing courses, integrate research-driven teaching, and strengthen the link between academia and the research, policy, and civic communities to build comprehensive programs that empower students to actively engage in better understanding global crises.

What made the session stand out was the direct involvement of CIVIS Global Student Council students, whose feedback and experience on previous BIPs shaped much of the discussion. Their insights, paired with contributions from the rest of the participants, pointed to a future where education becomes a collaborative effort between academics and students, designed to address real-world issues.

This session was more than just an exchange of ideas between academics and students; it fostered a transformative perspective on how partnerships can lead to innovative teaching models tailored to address today's global challenges.


This web dossier presents a collection of interviews conducted with academics from the PolyCIVIS network and beyond, shedding light on their teaching methodologies, experiences, and insights.

We invite you to explore these interviews and gain deeper insights into the transformative potential of education within the PolyCIVIS alliance.

PolyCIVIS' vibrant community is making waves at top national and international events!

This article highlights the impactful participation of PolyCIVIS members in various external events.

Read the full article here.

In an era marked by multifaceted challenges, from economic instability to climate change and global pandemics, the art of policy making has never been more crucial. To shed light on this complex landscape, we had the privilege of sitting down with Professor Malte Borsig from the University of Witwatersrand. With his expertise in international relations and governance, Professor Borsig shared invaluable insights unraveling the complexity and interconnection of polycrises and their implications for policy formulation.

Explore the complete interview by clicking here!