Whether you are an early-stage researcher still planning the first steps of your career, or a senior academic looking for new research partnerships, the CIVIS Alliance offers a world of possibilities. Read on to find out more about the job opportunities, expert groups and career development resources available for researchers at our member universities.
Research careers, networks and projects

Research job opportunities at CIVIS member universities
Looking for your next job in research or academia?
Here you can find links to useful pages listing offers and opportunities for academics, post-docs or PhD candidates. If you are specifically looking to start a funded post-doc, make sure you also check out the MSCA Supervisors Data Base or the project CIVIS3i.
Aix-Marseille Université |
National & Kapodistrian University of Athens |
Stockholm University |
Sapienza Universita di Roma |
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid |
University of Bucharest |
Université libre de Bruxelles |
Universität Tübingen |
University of Salzburg |
Other |

Research groups and EU-funded projects at CIVIS universities
Looking for research expertise or potential partnerships at one of the CIVIS member universities?
The project RIS4CIVIS has produced the “Research Group Platform”, a space open to all, allowing to conduct cutting-edge research, to experiment and to innovate. Here you will find some 2500 research groups within the CIVIS Alliance and information about the people behind them.
Here you can find an index of research groups at our universities and projects funded by diverse EU programmes.
Aix-Marseille Université |
National & Kapodistrian University of Athens |
Stockholm University |
Sapienza Universita di Roma |
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid |
University of Bucharest |
University of Glasgow |
Université libre de Bruxelles |
Universität Tübingen |
University of Salzburg |

EURAXESS platform – Resources for career development
Looking for guidance on your career in research?
The EURAXESS platforms do not only guide researchers towards interesting job offers worldwide. They also contain a wide range of tools to help you reflect on your career development within or outside academia. The platform offers a variety of free training on key soft skills for researchers, such as leadership and project management.
- Career development website
- Career development e-tool
- Podcasts: Science to Start Up, Careers Beyond Academia, The Gender Gap in Academia
- Virtual trainings on soft skills: CV writing, skills development, project management, etc
- Manual for scientific entrepreneurship
- Project Career Kit: Learning resources in enterpreneurial skills, information literacy, disciplinary working, IPR, leadership skills

HR Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R)
Wondering how CIVIS and its member universities are planning for the future of research careers?
CIVIS member universities are comitted to European Research Area standards on the continuous improvement of the research environment. Furthermore, five universities have already obtained the HR Excellence Award and have published their action plan to support researchers. You can see the actions detailed in the links below.
We are also working on HRS4R at CIVIS level, undertaking the following activities:
- Strategic Module "Strengthening Human Capital" in the RIS4CIVIS project
- Career development programme for researchers: RIS4CAREERS
- Mapping of the job opportunities, research groups and EU projects (on this page).
- Public statement in favour of Open Science practices
- Index of mobility opportunities (coming soon)
- Training offers about science communication, entrepreneurship and open science
- Thematic meetings for experts and specialists on topics such as HRS4R, career development, Welcome Desks, etc...

This information has been gathered and published in the framework of the RIS4CIVIS project, funded by the European Union's Horizon programme.