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CIVIS member universities facilitate collaborations between researchers and supervisors within the framework of the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships. Academics of any research field are encouraged to express their interest to host a MSCA researcher by registering in our common data base. Every year, our data base continues to grow as further efforts have been made to collect interest.

CIVIS  encourages researchers from any age, nationality and discipline with a doctoral degree, a maximum of 8 years of full-time research experience and who have not resided in the country of the host institution for more than 12 months in the past three years to explore the data base in search for a potential supervisor.

The following panels have been listed:  

  1. Chemistry
  2. Economic Sciences
  3. Environmental and Geosciences
  4. Social Sciences and Humanities
  5. Information Science and Engineering
  6. Life Sciences
  7. Mathematics
  8. Physics

CIVIS MSCA Supervisors

Secondary expertise fields are added to the data base to enhance the prospects of finding the most suitable supervisor/s.

Instructions to use the data base

Please, be aware that some functions of the data base only work with Firefox.

Once, a potential supervisor has been identified through the filters available, the interested researchers will be able to contact him/her directly through the contact tab available in the database.

Before submitting your e-mail, please read the instructions below carefully.

Please, provide a short introduction of yourself, the panel you whish to apply to and confirm you are eligible according to the criteria for MSCA below.

Please, attach the following information to your email:

  1. An up-to-date CV (max. 5 pages, including publications, main achievements and experience)
  2. Motivation statement – why you wish to apply with this supervisor and institution (max. ½ page)
  3. Description of your project (max. 1 page)

This application is not binding, supervisors can still reject or accept the proposal. If this is the case, applicants will receive support throughout the preparation and submission of their proposals.

MSCA requirements:

  • Be in possession of a PhD/I will be in possession of a PhD by the call deadline
  • Not have more than 8 years of full-time research experience
  • Not have resided/ carried out main activity in the country of the beneficiary for more than 12 in the 36 months before call deadline

For further information, please, find here the MSCA-PF Infoday hosted by CIVIS. CIVIS universities hosted on June 19th 2024, an online info day to present to the CIVIS community the opportunities offered by the Marie-Curie Actions programme’ Researchers of the CIVIS Universities interested in submitting a MSCA-PF were invited.


More info:


Infoday MSCA-PF CIVIS& RESEARCH 19.06.2024

Susana Marin Aguilar - Testimonial


In case of doubt, please, address your European Unit Office:

Aix-Marseille Université

Nicolas Gochgarian 


National & Kapodistrian University of Athens

NKUA CIVIS Office, Ilias Antoniou - civis@uoa.gr  

NKUA Financial Office for Research Projectsrc@elke.uoa.gr

University of Bucharest

Filuta Ionita


Université Libre de Bruxelles

Rachel Leproult, Dragana Petrovic, Amal Akheyar, Sarah di Giglio, Giulia Sandri


Sapienza University of Rome

Rosa Di Stefano


Stockholm University

Viviana Stechina


Tübingen University

Christian Vöhringer


University of Glasgow

Joe Galloway 


Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Rafael Oliveros  rafael.oliveros@uam.es

Rafaella Lenoir rafaella.lenoir@uam.es

Paris-Lodron University of Salzburg 

 Andrea Spannring    Andrea.spannring@plus.ac.at