Our CIVIS3i project funds post-doctoral fellowships, supporting fascinating primary research while training excellent early-career researchers. The first 16 fellows were selected a few months ago, and they are now getting down to work!
On 27 January this first group of fellows was formally welcomed at the CIVIS3i General Assembly, hosted by Aix-Marseille Université (AMU). Stefan Enoch, AMU's Deputy Vice-Rector for Science and Technology and CIVIS3i Coordinator, congratulated the 16 fellows selected from the first call for the start of their excellent research projects.
The meeting, which took place in a hybrid format, gathered the CIVIS3i Executive Board and was open to the whole scientific community. This Assembly was a chance to reflect and examine the challenges we experienced when running the first call for applicants to our postdoctoral fellowship. Happily, we could also confirm the progress made in recent months as we launched a second call.
CIVIS3i has continued to reinforce its initiatives to promote outstanding research, international mobility and intersectoral collaboration among the researchers of its member universities and socio-economic partners. We provided extensive support to prospective applicants during both the first and second calls, with numerous online events reaching hundreds of researchers worldwide. The research we are now funding spans all fields of science, from physics, mathematics, chemistry and biotechnology to political science, literature, art history and more. In addition to the research projects already underway, another 16 postdoctoral projects will soon be selected from the applications in the second and final CIVIS3i call.
Executive Board
Alongside the public session of the General Assembly, we held a meeting of the CIVIS3i Executive Board, made up of Vice-Rectors and representatives from each partner university of the CIVIS3i project (Aix Marseille Université, Université libre de Bruxelles, Sapienza Università di Roma and Universidad Autónoma de Madrid). The function of this Board is to ensure the good progress of the CIVIS3i programme and activities, and to provide recommendations.
The First Call Fellows

After the General Assembly, we invited the CIVIS3i postdoctoral fellows hosted by Aix Marseille Université to a meeting with the programme coordinator, a management representative and a local career advisor. The objective of this meeting was to welcome the fellows to AMU, to guide them through administrative procedures and to support them in their project activities and timeline, as well as their plans for their future career.
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This project receives funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Grant Agreement No 10103324. |