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O ocazie de a ne întâlni, un moment de inspirație și inovație, un moment de sărbătoare

Zilele CIVIS sunt principalul eveniment anual al Alianței, ce reunește studenți, personal universitar, reprezentanți ai societății civile, inovatori, factori de decizie politică și reprezentanți locali din întreaga Europă.

Ne întâlnim pentru a ne conecta și coopera în vederea construirii viitorului Alianței noastre, pentru a împărtăși ceea ce am învățat și dezvoltat și pentru a găsi soluții inovatoare la provocările societale.

În fiecare an, o altă universitate membră CIVIS acceptă provocarea de a găzdui evenimentul, folosindu-se de acesta ca o oportunitate de a prezenta CIVIS în fața propriei comunități și, în același timp, de a se poziționa în centrul Alianței noastre.


CIVIS Days 2024 in Salzburg

For this year's edition of the CIVIS Days, CIVIS is going to the Paris Lodron University of Salzburg from 24 to 26 September, with additional meetings for representatives from our Strategic Partners in Africa on 23 September.

More info coming soon!


CIVIS Day 2023 in Tübingen

In May 2023, CIVIS travelled to Germany to enjoy the hospitality of the Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen.

For this year’s edition, Tübingen focused on three topics under the banner “Sustainably Connected Universities”:

  1. Celebrating the academic substance of the CIVIS Alliance 
  2. Exploring the realities of CIVIS as an Inter-University Space
  3. Underlining our commitment to sustainability 

The three-day event featured numerous workshops, seminars and meetings, organised around three main pillars:

  • Meetings for the governance and management bodies of the CIVIS Alliance
  • Workshops combining actors from different CIVIS bodies 
  • Public sessions open to external participants, both in person and online. The lectures and panel discussions during “CIVIS – a sustainably connected Alliance” showed how we are building our inter-university space with an eye for the future of our Alliance and the planet.


CIVIS Days 2022 in Athens

A truly European event with a sporting twist - looking back at the Global CIVIS Days 2022 in Athens

From 17 to 20 May 2022, the main annual event of CIVIS, known as the Global CIVIS Days (GCD), took place in Athens. The GCD 2022 was a 4-day event which gathered students, academics (professors and researchers), university staff (administrative staff, technical etc.), stakeholders and representatives of local authorities and communities from all over Europe.

CIVIS Days 2021 in Brussels

Global CIVIS Days 2021: more than 200 participants from across Europe

On 24, 25 and 26 November 2021, more than 200 participants came together from across Europe for the second edition of Global CIVIS Days. The event, hosted by the Université libre de Bruxelles, took place in Brussels, Belgium, the capital of Europe.

Don't miss the special Photo Exhibition!

CIVIS Days 2020 in Stockholm

Global CIVIS days 2020: digital event, real challenges, concrete ideas

Monday 9 and Tuesday 10 November 2020 saw the celebration of the first Global CIVIS days, CIVIS’s annual event where students, university staff, civil society, innovators and local representatives across Europe come together to connect, discuss and team up to find innovative solutions on major societal challenges.