Assistant and doctoral student at the ULB researches atmospheric circulation by analysing rock dust in the polar regions

Sibylle Boxho is a geologist by training who studies rock dust. She is currently an assistant and doctoral student at the Université libre de Bruxelles' Faculty of Science, working on her thesis in the G-TIME and BGEOSYS laboratories of the Department of Geosciences, Environment and Society (DGES). During her studies, Sibylle Boxho has worked on topics ranging from volcano prevention in Mexico to meteorite dating.
Science, the obvious choice
The love for science started in childhood, when little Sibylle showed curiosity about everything that surrounded her:
I have always asked all sorts of questions of those around me and I wanted to answer them myself, so I embarked on the great adventure that is science. I'm also fascinated by the idea of protecting people and the environment we live in by understanding the phenomena that surround us", Sibylle remembers.
Although she lives in a world which tends to be male-dominated, Sibylle Boxho has noticed a positive trend in her profession.
The proportion of women in geological and earth sciences is constantly increasing. It's true that in the past, as in all scientific fields, women were less represented. But the trend is towards parity in the new generations of geologists. I can see this very clearly in my various classes of students".
Gratitute towards the pioneers
Sibylle shared a message of gratitude and aknowledgement of the impact of the previous generations who persevered to make science open and accessible to all."This mentality and these ideas are not yet universally accepted and understood. As a new generation of scientists, we must continue to uphold these fundamental principles for the future".
This message was by the doctoral student sent on the occasion of Women and Girls in Science Day.