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Sapienza Università di Roma

With over 700 years of history, more than 122,000 students, above 3500 teachers and 2300 employees, technicians and librarians, in addition to almost 1300 administrative staff in university hospitals, Sapienza is the first university in Europe. Our mission is to contribute to the development of a knowledge society through research, excellence, quality education and international cooperation. Sapienza currently offers 300 study programmes (Bachelor's and Master's) - among which over 60 are taught in English- almost 200 vocational master courses and 90 PhDs. The School of Advanced Studies provides a programme of excellence and free tuition for the best students.

Over 30,000 students come from other Italian cities, nearly 10,000 are foreign and over 3300 students a year come to Sapienza on international mobility programmes. Thanks to a wide network of agreements with universities around the world, Sapienza also provides its students many international opportunities, including double degrees, scholarships abroad, internships in European and non-European countries, and international PhDs.

Scientific research activity at Sapienza covers an extremely broad spectrum of disciplines, reaching levels of excellence in many areas, including archaeology, physics and astrophysics, humanities and cultural heritage, the environment, nanotechnologies, cell and gene therapy, design, aerospace, social and economic sciences. Nobel Prize winners and internationally renowned scientists have taught and/or studied at Sapienza. Among them is Giorgio Parisi, 2021 Nobel Prize for Physics.

Sapienza is organized into 11 faculties, 1 school and 58 departments, as well as numerous research and service centres. The central administration is organized into areas, offices and sectors. The rectorate is collegiate with a Rector, a Deputy Rector and a group of Assistant Deputy Rectors and delegates with specific competencies, alongside committees and commissions for evaluation, strategic planning, quality and integration of activities.

The symbol of Sapienza University is the Cherub, which, in association with the name "Sapienza University of Rome" constitutes the registered trademark and logo. The linked claim is Il futuro è passato di qui.

The world's leading university rankings place Sapienza at the top of Italian universities for quality of research, education and international dimension. Moreover, Sapienza excels and leads as a benchmark in many subject areas

Country: Italy
City: Rome
University's name: Sapienza Università di Roma
Date of creation: 1303


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Few figures

Number of students in 2023-2024

  • 122.143 students 

Number of staff

  • 3.576 academics 
  • 2.320 administrative staff
  • 1.260 administrative staff in university hospitals

Number and names of faculties and/or schools

11 Faculties

  • Architettura
  • Economia
  • Farmacia e medicina
  • Giurisprudenza
  • Ingegneria civile e industriale
  • Ingegneria dell'informazione, informatica e statistica
  • Lettere e filosofia
  • Medicina e odontoiatria
  • Medicina e psicologia
  • Scienze matematiche, fisiche e naturali
  • Scienze politiche sociologia comunicazione

1 School

  • Scuola di Ingegneria aerospaziale

Number of PhD thesis defended in 2022-2023

  • 902