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9 additional educational programmes on climate, environment & energy for 2021-2022

31 March 2021
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In November 2020, CIVIS launched its second call for proposals to develop challenge-driven educational activities focused on climate, environment and energy, one of CIVIS’s five focus areas. Nine initiatives were selected by the HUB 1 Council and approved by the Steering Committee in February 2021, complementing thus the six first Hub 1 activities.

The second call for CIVIS hub 1 activities: climate, environment and energy was aimed at collecting a manifestation of interests of academics from the 9 member universities willing to collaborate with other European colleagues on this societal challenge. 

Hub activities encompass research-oriented education and knowledge-action education pathways that target the following focal challenges:

  • Deliver energy, water, and food for all
  • Decarbonise socio-economic systems to stabilise the climate
  • Safeguard the terrestrial, freshwater and marine natural assets
  • Increase resilience and promote sustainable transformations
  • Create fundamental knowledge about climate, environment and energy

Academics were invited to develop activities such as short-term courses and workshops, independent projects (joint thesis work), Erasmus Research traineeships and interdisciplinary education activities with the following requirements:

  • all projects should involve at least 3 or more universities
  • be related to CIVIS Hub 1 focus area: climate, environment and energy
Learn more about ongoing CIVIS courses and activities

List of additional educational activities selected on climate, environment and energy:

Renewable energies and climate change with a special focus on Euro-Mediterranean-African integration
  • 5-Day virtual workshop for BA, MA and PhD students
  • Coordinated by the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, with Aix-Marseille Université and Stockholm University
  • Implementation: 2021
Climate, Environment and Energy: Past, Present and Future 
  • Virtual mobility for BA and MA students

  • Coordinated by the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, with Aix-Marseille Université and Stockholm University and the InterUniversity Research Center for the Sustainable Development (CIRPS – Italy)

  • Implementation: Summer 2022
Introduction to Geosciences (4 ECTS + 2 ECTS)
  • Virtual mobility with optional on-site lab activity for BA students

  • Coordinated by the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Stockholm University and the University of Tübingen

  • Implementation: 2021
International Summer School on Fundamentals, Materials and Applications of Lithium-Ion Batteries (Summer LIB)
  • Two-week hybrid Summer School (virtual activities during the first week and on-site activities during the second) for MA and PhD students
  • Coordinated by the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, with Aix-Marseille Université, La Sapienza di Roma and Stockholm University
  • Implementation: Summer 2022
Farm to Fork Strategy (2020): Food Safety and Food Security in the framework of the new European Green Deal
  • Series of 5 virtual workshops for PhD students
  • Coordinated by La Sapienza di Roma, with Aix-Marseille Université, the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
  • Implementation: Autumn 2021
European University for Ocean Sciences (EU-OS)
  • Vast array of hybrid activities: virtual webinars, academic mobilities to discuss joint MA courses, MA student mobilities, training of PhD students and post-docs 
  • Coordinated by Aix-Marseille Université, with the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Université libre de Bruxelles and Stockholm University
  • Implementation: April 2021-July 2022 (seminars), April-September 2021 (staff mobilities), and 2021-2022 for MA and PhD/post-doc activities
Climate Change and Cultural Heritage: from theory to practice
  • Virtual course for BA students
  • Coordinated by the National and Kapodistrian University of Athen, with the University of Bucharest and La Sapienza di Roma
  • Implementation: 2021-2022
Waste to energy: waste valorization towards energy generation
  • Hybrid activities aiming at enhancing inter- and transdisciplinarity in Sustainability Science by connecting students, teaching and research, and by developing a joint summer school for advanced Masters and PhD students in this field
  • Coordinated by the University of Tübingen, with the University of Bucharest and La Sapienza di Roma
  • Implementation: Autumn 2021 (virtual courses) and Spring 2022 (hybrid Summer School)


General information on the CIVIS HUBS

One of CIVIS's main goals is to create a truly European interuniversity campus where students and university staff will enjoy seamless mobility to study, teach, train, work and collaborate in any of the eight CIVIS member universities. 

As part of this ambition, CIVIS established interdisciplinary thematic research and education areas, called CIVIS hubs, to design challenge-driven study programmes at BA, MA and PhD levels focusing on global societal challenges, rather than disciplines, and will be centred around the following themes:

  • Climate, Environment and Energy
  • Health
  • Cities, territories and mobilities
  • Digital and Technological transformation
  • Society, culture, heritage