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Welcome to the CIVIS internationalisation academy!

CIVIS is also an Alliance for the staff of our member universities, we we want to give you the opportunity to share experience, knowledge and skills with your international peers. Our workshops and training courses offer professional development opportunities related to administrative, technical, management and paedogogical roles. Many take the form of Erasmus+ Staff Weeks, incorporating a short visit to another member to meet your coleagues and learn together.

Building the CIVIS community through learning

The CIVIS Internationalisation Academy encompasses a range of initiatives that support staff mobility and community-building.

The CIVIS Academy includes an annual international conference, staff weeks, job shadowing opportunities and communities of practice (CoP).

These activities strengthen the professional capacities of staff and create a vibrant community that encourages the exchange of knowledge, best practices, and innovation across borders.

Through participation in these initiatives, staff members gain a deeper understanding of international educational systems, strengthen institutional networks, and contribute to the overall mission of CIVIS: to foster a more inclusive, cooperative, and resilient European higher education area.

 Photo: Université de Lausanne.