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See all Innovative Pedagogies Workshops

General information

University: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid in partnership with Université libre de Bruxelles

Language: English

Open to: Academics from CIVIS universities, graduate students (Master's and PHD), people in the music field Number of participants: 80

Dates: 25 April 2022, 16:00-18:00 CET

             27 April 2022, 16:00-19:00 CET

Brief description

The New Digital Methodologies for Teaching and Performing Music workshop aims at presenting teaching experiences and new digital methodologies for the teaching of music at the Early Childhood,  Primary, Secondary, and Conservatory school stages. It will create a platform for the exchange of teaching experiences between the organizing universities (UAM, Université Libre de Bruxelles) and the members of the Civis academic community interested in this field. Our goal is to design new teaching experiences through new digital programs for sound editing, music creation and interpretation, and the evaluation of musical skills that can be applied in these educational levels.

  • On the one hand, the programs to be presented by the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid are, among others, Chrome Music Lab, BandLab, Genially, and Linux MultiMedia Studio, mostly free programs. These programs have been used in the UAM courses with excellent results for both students and lecturers.
  • On the other hand, Arild Stenberg from the Université Libre de Bruxelles, propose a practical workshop in which participants will be able to re-think the graphic design of a musical score, and will work with a novel set of principles to modify the spacing, layout, and position of its notes and signs for intelligibility purposes and/or artistic purposes. This approach is intrinsically digital, as it is based on being able to use the symbols of a score in a modular, movable, and experimental manner —and in this context ‘experimental’ would naturally include heuristic or intuitive manipulations by the score users. His view is that a novel conception of music notation should include the possibility of re-organizing the materials, allowing the user at either end (creator or reader) to group, separate, highlight, and grade visually the symbols present in a score.

The provisional structure of the workshop will consist of three sessions. The first session, with two hours of duration, will be held by the UAM team. Two other sessions of two hours each will be conducted by the teaching teams of the partner universities (one of them, the Université Libre de Bruxelles). In these sessions, the digital programs will be presented and different examples will be carried out. Course participants will be able to use/experiment with some of the learning tools in small groups during the session. Dr Stenberg’s workshop will have an ‘online’ follow-up component (via email or video call) after the online presentation. Finally, there will be a discussion about the applicability in Early Childhood, Primary, Secondary School, or Conservatory of Music courses and the advantages and disadvantages of each software for learning Music. 

We will also discuss in each session which may be the musical and digital competencies that future teachers should have to teach music in those educational stages. Thus, participants of this course will be equipped with a theoretical framework in the field of music pedagogy as well as with practical skills in the use of digital resources to teach music in different academic surroundings.


People interested in attending the second workshop are invited to register through the online form.

