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What can Mediterranean universities do about climate change?

13 June 2024
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Climate change -  a pressing issue for the world and especially for the Mediterranean - was the focus of the XXIV General Assembly of the Consortium des Universités Euro-Méditerranéennes Téthys, hosted by the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM). The event brought together nearly 60 representatives of the 38 partner universities located in Algeria, Spain, France, Italy, North Macedonia, Morocco, Lebanon, Libya, and Tunisia.

A forum to share ongoing research

The first part of the seminars, aimed at doctoral students, approached Climate change from a multidisciplinary perspective. More than 40 Ph.D. students and 9 experts from 20 universities presented their research both in English and French on Marine Biology, Photonics, Psychology, Education, Economics and Law. Strategies for Mitigation and Accountability, Education, Health, and Culture, Policies, Innovation, and Economy and Sustainable Strategies were the topics studied during the meetings.

"This Assembly is a fundamental forum to share ongoing research on topics of common interest in the Mediterranean region, and to foster collaborations in the field of higher education in general”, said Irene Martin, head of the Vice-Rectorate for Internationalisation of the UAM. 

I am pleased to see how this network of Euro-Mediterranean universities, created in 2000 to fulfil the objectives of the Barcelona Conference (1995), is about to complete a quarter of a century. From 22 founding universities, 75 partner universities from 19 countries have now renewed their membership of this network in 2023. These universities cover no more and no less than 2 million students,” said the UAM Rector, Amaya Mendikoetxea. 

The official also expressed her satisfaction with the common goals achieved in areas such as sustainable development, gender equality, digital transformation and climate change, listing the main objectives of the partnership:

  • cooperation,
  • exchange,
  • and collaboration in the field of higher education, innovation and research. 

The round tables within the event dealt with aspects such as Water and Food Security and Economy and Behaviours. At the end of the meetings, the participants drafted the What can Mediterranean universities do about climate change? declaration. 

About Téthys Network

The Téthys Consortium of Euro-Mediterranean Universities was created in 2000, in the context of the Barcelona Conference, with the CIVIS member AMU as a founding member. The Consortium contributes to the Euro-Mediterranean partnership in higher education and research, with the aim of ensuring peace, stability and prosperity in the region. 

The network's main missions are to:

  • build a forum for cultural and scientific exchange,making a strong and lasting contribution to the construction of the Euro-Mediterranean Higher Education, Research and Innovation Area;
  • promote cooperation between Euro-Mediterranean countries by sharing knowledge, harmonising skills and exchanging cultures. 

The CIVIS members in Téthys are AMU, UAM and SUR, along with our strategic partners in Africa - Université Hassan II de Casablanca and University of Sfax. 

Read more about this year's assembly in the original, Spanish story.

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