CYBERUS - a joint European programme run by ULB, Université Bretagne Sud (UBS) and Université du Luxembourg (UL) in collaboration with Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech Estonia) - aims to meet 5 key challenges: the growing digital threats, the shortage of cybersecurity skills, EU cohesion, digital sovereignty and the gender imbalance in scientific studies in order to train the best students in cybersecurity.
This highly integrated 2-year programme draws on the recognised cybersecurity expertise of the four partners and a network of 47 international associate partners, many of whom are key players in the cybersecurity field. It is taught in English and offers two specialisation tracks leading to a double degree.
International mobility, equal opportunities and financial inclusion
International mobility is an integral part of the programme, with the students spending the first two semesters at UBS (Lorient, France) and also going to TalTech (Tallinn, Estonia) for a Winter School devoted to 'cyber threats to the EU and cyber actors'. In the 3rd semester, students choose to continue either at ULB or UL (Luxembourg), depending on their specialisation, and the 4th semester is devoted to a compulsory 5-month work placement in an accredited institution.
CYBERUS is an equal opportunity programme, as one of its key objectives is to overcome the gender imbalances that exist in this profession. Thirteen young women students are currently enrolled and the programme coordinators are aiming to achieve parity next year.
Being an Erasmus Mundus CYBERUS student is an unique experience. You form bonds with your new family from different cultures. You learn about cybersecurity in different and sometimes unexpected areas. It's a rich experience!, says Renee Duhaney (Jamaica).
The programme is also designed to be egalitarian and financially inclusive: it offers all kinds of support, including scholarships of 1,400 euros per month and a tuition fee waiver for the best students.
About Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses
The CYBERUS programme has been selected by the European Union to be funded as part of an Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters Course (EMJMD). An EMJMD is a prestigious and integrated international study programme, delivered jointly by an international consortium of higher education institutions. It aims to enhance the attractiveness and excellence of European higher education worldwide and to attract talent to Europe. ULB has six of them to its credit.