Université Hassan II de Casablanca
Hassan II University of Casablanca [UH2C] is a public university of higher education situated in the industrial capital of the Moroccan Kingdom. It was created in September 2014 after a merger of Hassan II University of Mohammedia with Hassan II University of Ain Chock, but the first establishment was in 1975. Studies are primarily conducted in Arabic and French. Other languages such as English, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Chinese etc. are also taught as courses. Consisting of 18 institutions located in the 6 campuses of Casablanca and Mohammedia, the university offers a variety of programs for undergraduates, Master’s and Doctorate students in the fields of pure and technical sciences, health sciences, arts and humanities, and finally, law, economics and management. The university counts around 130 000 students, 2316 full-time teachers and 939 administrative and technical staff. The university is endeavouring to achieve national and international visibility in terms of scientific research through its various scientific structures (125 laboratories, 8 Research Centres, 2 Research Platforms and an Observatory).
In terms of partnerships and cooperation, the UH2C has concluded more than 335 cooperation agreements with different universities and organisations all over the world since its merger.
Hassan II University of Casablanca has developed a strategic plan, which encompasses five key themes, including internationalisation. The university has participated in international programmes such as Erasmus+, Horizon 2020, FP7 in order to develop, foster and extend an ecosystem of internationalisation for HE systems. This would help promote exchange and recognition and enlarge the sphere of cooperation by developing joint projects in order to provide wide openness at the international level by carrying out international activities. Participation in projects under EC-funded programmes has enabled UH2C to promote its activities and become a more visible university.
Finally, it can be said that UH2C endeavours to achieve the following goals:
- Strengthening and enhancing quality assurance offices in all the institutions of the university
- Strengthening internationalisation and the university’s capacity to network
- Developing new governance and management systems and structures; modern university services, namely, focusing on internationalisation
- Exchanging experience with partner universities for increasing quality level and improving the qualification of the academic staff
- Exchanging academic staff with partner universities to improve their qualifications

Country: Morocco
City: Casablanca
University's name: Université Hassan II de Casablanca
Date of creation: 2014
Website: www.univh2c.ma
Useful links
- Presentation
- Training offers
- Research centers
- Partnerships and cooperation
- International cooperation
Few figures
Number of students
130 000
Number of staff
Number and names of faculties and/or schools
Campus Mohammedia
- Faculté des Sciences Juridiques, Economiques et Sociales – Mohammedia (FSJESM)
- Faculté des Lettres et Sciences Humaines – Mohammedia (FLSHM)
- Faculté des Sciences et Techniques – Mohammedia (FST)
- Ecole Normale Supérieure de l’Enseignement Technique – Mohammedia (ENSET)
- École Nationale Supérieure d’Art et Design (ENSAD)
Campus Ben M'Sik, Casablanca
- Faculté des Sciences - Ben M'Sik (FSB)
- Faculté des Lettres et Sciences Humaines - Ben M'Sik (FLSHB)
- Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts et Métiers – Casablanca (ENSAM)
Campus AïnSebaâ, Casablanca
- Faculté des Sciences Juridiques, Economiques et Sociales - AïnSebaâ (FSJESA)
- Ecole Nationale de Commerce et de Gestion – Casablanca (ENCG)
Campus Route d’El-Jadida – Hay Hassani, Casablanca
- Faculté des Sciences - Aïn Chock (FSAC)
- Faculté des Sciences Juridiques, Économiques et Sociales - Aïn Chock (FSJESAC)
- École Nationale Supérieure d’Électricité et de Mécanique Casablanca (ENSEM)
- École Normale Supérieure - Casablanca (ENS)
- École Supérieure de Technologie - Casablanca (EST)
- La Cité d’Innovation et de Transfer Technologique (CITT)
- La Bibliothèque Universitaire Mohammed Sekkat (BUMS)
Campus Quartier des Hôpitaux Anfa, Casablanca
- Faculté de Médecine et de Pharmacie - Casablanca (FMP)
- Faculté de Médecine Dentaire - Casablanca (FMD)
Campus Hay Inara – Aïn Chock Casablanca
- Faculté des Lettres et Sciences Humaines - Aïn Chock (FLSHAC)