The idea of establishing a University in Greece emerged alongside with the Greek War of Independence, also known as the Greek Revolution. The National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, officially founded on April 14th, 1837, is the first University not only of Greece but both the Balkan peninsula and the Eastern Mediterranean region. Currently, the NKUA offers 183 postgraduate programs leading to a Master's or a Doctoral degree in science and arts.
Prof. Dimitris Gouscos, Communication & Dissemination Work Package Co-leader

Dimitris Gouscos is Associate Professor in Design, Development and Management of Digital Communication with the Department of Communication and Media Studies, NKUA and Coordinator for the Participatory Government and Digital Social and Humanitarian Innovation MSc track. He serves/has served as Editor-in-Chief, International Journal of Electronic Governance, Lead National Researcher, OGP IRM Design Report on Greece 4th National Action Plan on Open Government 2019-2021, Consultant with UN ESCWA for Guideline on Fostering Innovation in the Public Sector of the Arab Region and InnoCook: An Innovation Model to Enhance the Operations and Services of Arab Public Institutions, Co-coordinator, WG on Open Government and Open Data (GFOSS), Coordinator for Training, WeOpenGov Network, Council Member, CIVIS Hub 4 Cities, Spaces, and Mobility, Coordinator, CIVIS BIP Child, Migrant, Refugee Voices for Viable Cities (GiveVoice), WP Co-leader Communication and Dissemination, PolyCIVIS project, and Task Leader New Digital Public Goods, Haves and Havenots, JustReDI project.
Prof. Dimitris Charitos

Dimitris Charitos is a Professor at the Department of Communication and Media Studies of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. He teaches human-machine communication, interactive design, digital art, virtual environment design and visual communication. He studied Architecture (NTU Athens) and CAD (University of Strathclyde) and holds a PhD in interactive and virtual environment design. He has participated in more than 15 research projects and has more than 100 publications in books, journals and conference proceedings. His artistic practice includes electronic music (1983-1993), audiovisual and interactive installations and virtual environments (1997- today). He has participated in 15 art exhibitions in Greece, UK, Canada and Cyprus.
Prof. Aspasia Dania

Aspasia Dania (PhD), is an Assistant Professor and a Director of the Sport Pedagogy Laboratory at the School of Physical Education and Sport Science, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece. She lectures at a Doctoral, Master and Undergraduate level in the topics of Sport Pedagogy, Physical Education Teacher Education and Qualitative Research, all with a focus on equity, democracy, diversity, and inclusion. She is the mentor and facilitator of 200 pre-service and 70 in-service Physical Education Teachers, as part of the supervision of undergraduate students’ practicum in secondary and high schools as well as sport clubs. With a focus on human-centered teaching and praxis, Dr. Dania is committed to academic excellence and has coordinated a variety of Blended Intensive Programs within CIVIS, under the framework of Innovative Pedagogies. She is the (co)author of 7 books, 45 peer reviewed articles and 18 book chapters and has presented more than 80 research papers at national and international conferences. She has also participated in more than 10 research projects related to Teacher Education and currently she is the leader of the Teaching Games for Understanding and the Social Pedagogy in Physical Education Special Interest Groups.
Prof. Emmanuella Doussis

Emmanuella Doussis is a professor of international institutions at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, and UNESCO Chairholder on Climate Diplomacy. She lectures, among others, on international law and international organizations, environmental policies, climate diplomacy and climate policies. She has been a Fulbright visiting scholar at the University of California, Berkeley (2022), visiting professor at several universities in France (Université de Bourgogne, Grenoble-Alpes, Aix-Marseille), and visiting research fellow at the European University Institute (2014). She has served as advisor to the rapporteur of the European Economic and Social Committee for the preparation of the opinion on EU Climate Diplomacy and the opinion on the Deforestation of the Amazonian rainforest. She is currently the director of the master’s programme on Southeast European Studies: politics, history and economics and she coordinates a Jean Monnet module on climate policies and diplomacy in Southeast Europe (2024-2027). She has been awarded the 2021 Natural Resources International Legal Specialist Award by the Centre of International Sustainable Development Law.
Prof. Emmanouil Pikoulis

Professor Pikoulis is a board-certified general surgeon, who has combined his background in emergency surgery and trauma surgical management with his special interest in global health, humanitarian aid and disaster medicine. During his career he has worked on various educational programs around development, disaster preparedness and training all over the world. Professor Pikoulis has an extensive experience in the designing, implementing, and evaluating disaster drills, in public health emergency response leadership training, as well as in humanitarian medicine field, by working with Developing Countries with emphasis in the African Continent (Tanzania).
Throughout his professional path, he has several years of experience working with WHO in the field of migrants and refugee’s health, and most recently with the WHO academy as an expert for mass casualties training. He initiated and currently coordinates in collaboration with WHO office in Greece, the medical and physiological training for aid workers in the camps, while he has also been an initiator of a series of hands-on courses in humanitarian fields such as street medicine, medical assessment of victims of torture, mountain medicine, holding also the only course in the undergraduate level of the Medical School of Athens in the theme of Global Health and Disaster Medicine. His contribution in humanitarian medicine education and his field experience has confer him as an award-winning scientist.
Constantina Georgiou
Constantina is Communication Officer at the PolyCIVIS project on behalf of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. With a BA in International and European Studies and an MA in Arts Management & Cultural Policy, Constantina has 15 years of experience in project communication, international collaborations and community engagement.