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The "Service-Learning: Intersectoral Collaboration Practices for the development of students' soft skills and socially engaged universities" (KA2 SL-ICP) project aims to disseminate the implementation of Service-Learning within European universities and to support stakeholders (students, professors, teaching and administrative staff, civil society organizations).
Experiential learning and teaching practices must help students develop transversal skills and acquire the necessary field experience for their integration into the job market.
photo credit: ULB, Aurore Delsoir.


What is Service-Learning?

Service-learning approach in higher education is a type of experiential learning method which involves students performing community service, critically reflecting on the experience and learning from it on a personal, social and intellectual level. The initiatives are aimed at enhancing learning in higher education, encouraging civic duty and enhancing community participation within students but also within universities ecosystems.

Why do we need Service-Learning?

Higher education should enable students to get involved in social and environmental causes. A university should also promote student engagement and empowerment and strengthen their cooperation with civil society organizations and institutions in their territories.

What are the project's objectives?

  • transfer innovative SL methodologies within European universities, share data an disseminate good practices and key steps to implement SL on the long term;
  • encourage teachers and academic staff to become familiar with the theoretical and practical aspects of the SL method in order to adapt and transfer SL innovation projects to European universities;
  • reinforce cooperation between universities and civil society organisations;
  • support students in their learning process with innovative methods and field experiences;
  • support students’ citizenship and involvement on social and environmental issues.

Who is involved in the project?

The KA2 SL-ICP project team is formed by the CIVIS Alliance and Eurasia net NGO partners. Each of them leads a domain:

  • Eurasia net (French NGO): management and global coordination of the project
  • National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Greece): mapping and analyzing current SL practices in partner universities
  • Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain): training teachers and academic staff to SL methodology and implementation
  • Aix-Marseille Université (France): promoting SL projects at local and european level through events involving the stakeholders
  • University of Bucharest (Romania): creating a guide on the implementation of SL projects and organising a European forum on SL
  • Sapienza Università di Roma (Italy): communication, dissemination and evaluation to promote SL teaching


You can find us at, on our website and on

  • project type: Key Action 2 Cooperation Partnership - Higher Education
  • project duration: 2 years (starting November 15, 2022)
  • Erasmus+ Agency involved: Education and Training, Bordeaux
  • project co-funded by: