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Launch of the third CIVIS Open Lab at National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

2 November 2020
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Friday 30 October 2020 saw the launch of CIVIS's third Open Lab at the University of Athens. The event was attended by many representatives of public and private sector bodies, trade union bodies, members of the research community of the University of Athens.

Due to the pandemic, the launch was held online and consisted of an opening e-event of information and networking with social partners in order to share and collect ideas and proposals with the aim to create the necessary networks that will lead to the conclusion of partnerships. The CIVIS open lab project, coordinated by the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, aims to establish and develop open workshops that will connect each of the eight CIVIS member universities with their social partners at local and regional level.

For more information on the CIVIS open labs, please visit our webpage.