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CIVIS OpenLab Call for Projects: selection results

4 August 2020
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Three CIVIS Open Lab projects have been selected by the Open Labs committee to tackle local societal challenges in the Community of Madrid in the areas of circular cities, sustainable mobility and service-learning.
UAM's Open Lab seed funding will support these projects' development and implementation throughout July 2020-July 2021

Conceived as open and collaborative spaces, CIVIS Open Labs aims to create a forum where Universities and citizens can discuss local needs and challenges through innovative thinking and consequently participate in the co-creation of projects from an integrated approach, with the objective of developing innovative and inclusive initiatives that lead to a positive impact on citizens.

CIVIS Open Lab aims to be a space to promote pilot projects with a multidisciplinary approach, aligned with the CIVIS’s challenges ¹

To this end, the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid launched its first CIVIS OpenLab Call for Projects through seed funding with the aim of contributing to the development and implementation of those proposals presented in response to challenges and needs such as Health & Inclusion, Circular Cities, Environment & Sustainability and Education & Digital Transformation.

CIVIS Open Lab projects selected for 2020-2021:

  • Project 1: circular cities: shaping our urban future through circular economy

Project partners: ADESGAM - ECOEMBES - Hoyo de Manzanares City Council -  Onda Cero Madrid North Radio - Office of Scientific Culture (UAM) - UAM students - UAM faculties of Business & Economic Science/Law/Sciences.

  • Project 2: Forum for Sustainable Mobility

Project partners: ADESGAM  - Alcobendas City Council - Madrid Science Park Foundation - UAM Students - Onda Cero Madrid North RadioUAM Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences.

  • Project 3: Service-Learning as University’s response to COVID-19

Project partners: European Observatory of Service-Learning in Higher Education - City of Alcobendas Foundation - Onda Cero Madrid North Radio - GALSINMA - UAM's Faculties of Psychology / Teacher Training & Education / Law / School of Engineering / Philosophy & the Arts.

For further information and/or involvement in the projects, please visit the CIVIS open Lab project webpage.
More information on the CIVIS Open Labs:


Article on the launch of the first CIVIS Open Lab in Madrid:
¹ Words pronounced by Prof. Rector Rafael Garesse, Rector of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid during his speech ofr the launch of the first CIVIS Open Lab in Madrid.