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Digital learning for the development of soft skills

Learn more about inclusive pathways through digital learning experiences and art manifestations for the development of soft skills throught UDL methodology

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CIVIS focus area
Digital and Technological transformation
Open to
  • Bachelor's
  • Master's
  • Phd
Field of studies
  • Art, Design and Media
  • Computer Science and IT
  • Social Science and humanities
  • Blended Intensive Programmes (BIP)
Course dates
8 May - 23 June 2023

This course is organised in 4 sections designed to showcase some pedagogical approaches for an inclusive pedagogy toward students with special needs, with an emphasis on approaches adopting the Trialogical Learning Approach.

Sections are the following:

  1. Literature and digital didactics with UDL methodology.
  2. Emergent technology in education and implications for students with special needs.
  3. New computer tools for use in the classroom and on lcms platforms. Pedagogical models, perspectives and applications.
  4. Resources and strategies based on art and new technologies geared towards learning for people with disabilities.

Main topics addressed

  1. Trialogical Learning Approach.
  2. The importance of the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) framework.
  3. Introduction to inclusive pedagogical strategies in a digital environment.
  4. Digital technologies as a way to improve organisational communication through collaborative learning.
  5. Artistic knowledge as a potential source of new learning and soft skills development.

Learning outcomes

  • Make attendees more sensitive to the inclusive aspects in adopting some practical strategies addressed during the course.
  • Give CIVIS BIP an original entry on engagement and the sense of belonging of disabled students.
  • Attendees will be able to plan activities with inclusive sensitivity through the use of digital learning strategies based on the presentation of cases and ways of teaching under the UDL paradigm seen throughout the course.
  • Attendees will be able to acquire useful skills for the application and development of training activities integrating the UDL.
  • The theoretical and practical bases will be presented to get to know the necessary requirements on the application of the UDL in didactic environments with the use of computer technologies in support of didactics.
Dates: 8 May - 23 June 2023 Total workload: 75 hours
Format: Blended ECTS: 3
Location: Madrid, Spain Language: English (B2) 
Contact: elena.garayzabal@uam.es  

Recognition of ECTS depends on your home university. 

Physical mobility

The physical mobility part will be running from 19 to 23 June 2023 in Madrid, Spain, at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.

The physical week in Madrid will be entirely practical, in which students will put into practice their own knowledge together with the knowledge transmitted in the course in a sort of transfer of knowledge for applicability in the real field of working with people with disabilities

19 June 2023

Section 1. Literature and digital didactics with UDL methodology.

  • UDL theoretical framework and its implementation. Description of the didactic activity and practical examples.

20 June 2023

Section 2. Emergent technology in education and implications for students with special needs:

  • Practice. Developing pedagogical scripts with robotics, linked to trialogical learning centered on the inclusive dimensions. 

21 June 2023

Section 3. New computer tools for use in the classroom and on lcms platforms. Pedagogical models, perspectives and applications.

  • Practice: examples of group work and the use of interactive applications with UDL integration.

22 June 2023

Section 4. Resources and strategies based on art and new technologies geared towards learning for people with disabilities.

  • Practice: two cases will be proposed to use art and Apps to develop an art teaching plan for people with cognitive disabilities.

23 June 2023

  • Students case work proposal based on one out of the four sections, addressing the following question: How would you apply the methodologies explained in this course to a child/adult with functional diversity?
  • Social activity.

Virtual part

The virtual part will be running from 8 to 29 May 2023.

Each week of the virtual course will be dedicated to one of the sections. A specific day of the week will be designated for the exchange of ideas and the transfer of knowledge between assistants and teachers on the contents developed and based on their own experiences. The virtual content of the course will be put into practice during the physical week.

During the virtual sessions there may be a day when the teacher simply uploads some of the course materials which will be discussed on a designated day during the same week.

8 May 2023

  • Literature and digital didactics with UDL methodology: 
    • Introduction, objectives and didactic methods in the teaching of literature;
    • Trialogical learning and new technologies in the teaching of literature in the Compulsory Secondary Education curriculum.

15 May 2023

  • Emergent technology in education and implications for students with special needs:
    • Socio -materiality and technology: experiences at school. Hybridization of semiotic and material processes with emergent technologies (i.e. Robotics, Augmented reality and VR) and their learning potential in the post pandemic societal context, focused on cognitive disabilities. 
    • Analysing scripts and learning environments with VR, robotics and augmented reality to improve the learning process and make it inclusive. 

22 May 2022

  • New computer tools for use in the classroom and on lcms platforms. Pedagogical models, perspectives and applications:
    • Preparation of an environment to integrate the Universal Design of Learning predisposition for active learning in LCMS platforms.
    • Virtual Learning Environment and pedagogical strategies: social constructivism, induction strategies, connectivism, TLA and needs of the use of UDL.

29 May 2023

  • Resources and strategies based on art and new technologies geared towards learning for people with disabilities:
    • Art and inclusion. How to teach art digitally to develop soft skills in adults with cognitive disabilities.
    • Tools and applications aimed at improving the learning process of people with cognitive disabilities.


This course is open to students Bachelor's, Master and PhD at CIVIS member universities. No prerequisites are necessary, only interest in the content of the course.

Participants should have a basic knowledge of English, which will be the lingua franca of the course, although other sections of the course may be conducted in another Romance language (Spanish, French, Italian).

None of the teachers on the course are native English speakers, which does not prevent the course from flowing successfully and both teachers and participants from learning from each other in the linguistic exchanges and from the knowledge transmitted during the course.

NB: Visiting Students - Erasmus Funding Eligibility

To be eligible for your selected CIVIS programme, you must be a fully enrolled student at your CIVIS home university at the time you will be undertaking the programme. Click here to learn more about the eligibility criteria.

Application process

Interested students should apply by filling in the online application form by 28 February 2023.

Applications will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  • Interest in the subject of the course
  • Training and lines of research (present and future) related to the course

Apply here


The evaluation will consider the attendance and participation of the attendees, as well as the preparation of different tasks that will be carried out and presented during the physical week.

Attendees will develop individual or group work for each of the sections in which the course is divided.

This work may be previously outlined by the teacher during the virtual sessions and presented later during the physical week, or it may be done directly during that week.

Each teacher will give the appropriate indications on the procedure in their virtual week.

Blended Intensive Programme

This CIVIS course is a Blended Intensive Programme (BIP): a new format of Erasmus+ mobility which combines online teaching with a short trip to another campus to learn alongside students and professors across Europe. Click here to learn more about CIVIS BIPs.

GDPR Consent

The CIVIS alliance and its member universities will treat the information you provide with respect. Please refer to our privacy policy for more information on our privacy practices. By applying to this course you agree that we may process your information in accordance with these terms.


This Blended Intensive Programme will be taught by professors from CIVIS member universities.


Elena GARAYZÁBAL is PhD in Linguistics. She is Associate Professor in the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid at the Linguistics Department, and Speech Therapist. Her research focuses on Clinical linguistics and neurodevelopmental rare diseases.  She is a member of the European project Supporting Success for All -Universal Design Principles in Digital learning for Students with Disabilities (2020-1-PL01-KA226-SCH-095777) and of the WE-COLLAB European project (Collaborative and transparent use of Learning Analytics in online university courses, valuing the learner role and exploiting advanced monitoring equipment, 2021-2024 -2021-1-HR01-KA220-HED-000027562).


Martine Gadille is a senior researcher at National Center for Scientific Research at Aix-Marseille Université. Her research is focused on the governance of innovation, employment and skills dynamics in clusters and knowledge management within SMBs. She explores the implications of students’ and teacher’s creative configuration in the physical and virtual world. She is interested in the use of technology in the teaching and learning processes.

Irene Hidalgo de la GUÍA

Irene Hidalgo de la GUÍA is PhD in Spanish Philology. She is a professor at the Universidad Complutense of Madrid. She has a master´s degree in Phonetics and her research focuses on Clinical Linguistics. She is a member of the European project Supporting Success for All -Universal Design Principles in Digital learning for Students with Disabilities (2020-1-PL01-KA226-SCH-095777) and of the WE-COLLAB European project (Collaborative and transparent use of Learning Analytics in online university courses, valuing the learner role and exploiting advanced monitoring equipment, 2021-2024 -2021-1-HR01-KA220-HED-000027562).


Maria IMPEDOVO Ph.D. is Associate Professor at ADEF Laboratory, Aix-Marseille Université, France. She teaches at the INSPE School of Education at Aix-Marseille Université, France. She has been actively participating in multiple national and international formative and research projects about the technology of education, inclusion, and professional development. She has skills in Italian, Spanish, French, and English language, helpful to engage students into the multilingual discussion too. She is concerned with the use of technology in the teaching and learning processes and the analysis of social and linguistic interactions.


Fernando MARTINEZ de CARNERO is an associate professor of linguistics and president of the Three-year Degree Course in Tourism Science at the Sapienza University of Rome. He has been a member of the Erasmus Plus CommonS (Common Spaces for collaborative learning project, 2014-2017), Up2U (H2020-ICT-2016-1, 2017-2020), and Supporting Success for All -Universal Design Principles in Digital learning for Students with Disabilities (2020-1-PL01-KA226-SCH-095777). He is also the project director of Gnome -Creation of a Paremiologic Multilingual database.

María Montserrat VILLAGRÁ TERÁN

María Montserrat VILLAGRÁ TERÁN is Researcher at Sapienza University of Rome in sectoriality, multimodality and technodocency. She works in the development of the research project “Applications of innovative computer technology for research and didactics in the field of culture and literature in Spanish language”. She participates in the Erasmusplus Project Supporting Success for All -Universal Design Principles in Digital learning for Students with Disabilities.