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EU Decision making and its institutions: discover the heart of Brussels

Discover the heart of Brussels: explore how the European institutions work, leave your mark and consider your role in the future of European democracy

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CIVIS focus area
Society, culture, heritage
Open to
  • Bachelor's
  • Master's
  • Phd
Field of studies
  • Business and Management
  • Environment & Agriculture
  • Law
  • Social Science and humanities
  • Environmental sciences, Urbanism, Geography
  • Blended Intensive Programmes (BIP)
Course dates
3 February - 9 June 2025
Apply by
31 Oktober 2024 Apply now

This project aims to bring CIVIS university students to Brussels via a BIP designed around the EU institutions, with the objective of working together on some of the most important issues facing the EU today.

In small groups (remotely), students will carry out research (February – May 2025) and engage in consultancy activities via the preparation of questions, opinions and well-informed advice in advance of a culminating 5-day visit to Brussels in May 2025. In May, students will visit the Université libre de Bruxelles, liaise with staff/ members of three different EU institutions and engage with the EPSO office (EU careers).

Via engagement with various EU institutions, students will act as EU youth consultants to the European Parliament (EP), the European Commission (EC), the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) and the European Personnel Selection Office (EPSO).

Main topics addressed

During this course, the students will research and address policy issues ranging from AI and Big Tech to Immigration, Economics, Foreign Affairs, Security and Defense, the Media, Elections and more. This process (February – May 2025) envisages group research, followed by an advisory/consultancy phase, and will culminate in a 5-day visit to the European capital to engage with and present findings to staff/members of various EU institutions. 

Thus, the students will:

  • be familiarised with the functioning of the EU institutions;
  • liaise with EU institution members and staff;
  • stimulate and challenge ideas about political groups (platforms/ priorities) and government (non-elected officials, civil servants) at the EU level;
  • bring their preconceived political opinions/ideas and deepen their knowledge on various topics (via research in advance of their visit);
  • act as researchers and policy advisors (youth consultants) in the daily functioning of Brussels (to include the online and offline components of the BIP project);
  • consider future internship/ career opportunities in the EU institutions;
  • finish the project with a deeper understanding of the EU institutions, new contacts and an increased level of motivation / inspiration to make a difference in Europe via local engagement or other opportunities.

Learning outcomes

The overall aim of this project is to familiarise students with the functioning of the EU institutions and give them a first-hand opportunity to visit the European capital, to make their voices heard, to liaise with institution staff/members and to stimulate and challenge their ideas about politics and government at the EU level.

Students will not only voice their preconceived political opinions and preferences, but will be expected to deepen their knowledge on various topics via research in advance of their visit (February-May 2025), acting as researchers and policy advisors (youth consultants) in the daily functioning of Brussels.

The students will:

  • enhance their teamwork, research and advisory/ consultancy skills;
  • challenge their political discourse;
  • improve their debate/ negotiation skills (remotely within their groups and in person in Brussels);
  • propose new/ different ideas for consideration by EU decision makers;
  • be forced to defend a political role / position with which they may not agree;
  • gain confidence in their political ideas and understanding of political groups/ party platforms;
  • visit and become familiar with the “European Center” of Brussels;
  • expand their knowledge about the functioning of the EU institutions;
  • consider their possible future role in the EU political process.
Dates: 3 February - 9 June 2025 Total workload: 132 hours
Format: Blended ECTS: 5*
Location: Brussels, Belgium Language: English (B2)

*Recognition of ECTS depends on your home university.

Physical mobility

The physical mobility part will be running from 19 to 23 May 2025 in Brussels, Belgium. The participants will visit 4 separate EU institutions, listen to speakers, role play in political groups, present opinions/ questions and advice as youth consultants, and engage in Q and A sessions with staff and members of each institution.


  • day 1: follow an MEP presentations (at ULB or EP) with fellow students and participating academics as audience (possibly with a member of EP staff and/ or other civil servant, as well); cultural visits in Brussels (city center, museums, etc.)
  • day 2: visit the European Parliament (EP) - meet an MEP; political group role play: exchange of views - debate and discussion; tour of the EP
  • day 3: visit the European Commission (EC) - meet EC staff and provide advice as EU youth consultants on pre-agreed topics; tour of Berlaymont building
  • day 4: visit the European Personnel Service Office (EPSO); visit the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) - engage with EESC members as youth consultants on pre-agreed topics; tour of the EESC
  • day 5: cultural visits in Brussels (city center, museums, etc.) and conclusions; BIP wrap-up (commencement) activities.

Virtual part

The virtual part of the course will be held between 3 February - 9 June 2025. The students will work in small groups to develop positions on policy issues, create presentations and formulate questions for EU policymakers, and provide advice for specific EU institutions.


  • February 2025: 1 introductory session + 2 guidance sessions
  • March 2025: 2 guidance sessions + Follow an MEP sessionMeet an MEP & Group Role Play session
  • April 2025: 2 guidance sessions + Visit the European Commission session + Visit the EESC session 
  • May 2025: 2 guidance sessions + travel to Brussels logistics session
  • June 2025: Commencent ceremony (BIP graduation)

The hours split:

  • 2 hours: online introductory session to unveil project, division of student groups and Q and A session (all teachers and students);
  • 8 hours: online guidance sessions (teachers and students) - general forum for discussion about developments in current events (project-related policy issues), and to check progress of research, answer questions etc.;
  • 1 hour: online discussion about travel, logistics, physical mobility to/ from Brussels, Q&A etc.;
  • 1 hour: online discussion about student group findings, Follow an MEP presentation - 2 page report. Students include at least 3 main proposals for chosen MEP's mandate based on presentation/ research/ analysis. Reports will receive feedback on writing skills/ ideas before being sent to MEP offices;
  • 1 hour: online discussion on the student group findings, Meet an MEP(s) & Group Role Play. Teachers and students discuss student positions/ platforms on several policy issues in order to prepare for role play from the perspective of their chosen political groups in the European Parliament;
  • 1 hour: online discussion on the student group findings for 2 out of 4 policy issues & visit the European Commission. Students summarise findings in a written report (2 pages per policy issue) and send them to teachers for feedback, before sending them to the European Commission. Reports should include at least 3 proposals/ suggestions that the Commission should take into account for further regulatory enhancements (policy-specific);
  • 1 hour: online discussion on the student group findings, Meet a Member of the EESC. Students summarise findings in a written report (2 pages) and send them to teachers for feedback, before sending them to the EESC. Reports should include at least 3 proposals/ suggestions that the EESC should take into account for further opinion/ position enhancements (policy-specific);
  • 15 hours: virtual student teamwork (preparation of Follow an MEP presentations), to include formulation of 2-page report;
  • 15 hours: virtual student teamwork (preparation of Meet a Member of European Parliament (MEP) & Political Group Role Play). As assigned members of a political group (currently 8 groups in the EP, 2024-2029 mandate), students will develop platform defense/ party discourse on a handful of possible policy topics for debate with an MEP(s);
  • 25 hours: virtual student teamwork (preparation of Visit and advise the European Commission) to prepare 2 out of 4 possible policy areas (TBA). Students will prepare advice for EC as youth consultants, prepare Q&A, and research these policy areas (2) in order to engage with EC staff/ reps/ cabinet members in Brussels. This includes the formulation of 2-page reports on two chosen/ assigned policy issues;
  • 10 hours: virtual student teamwork (preparation of Meet a Member of EPSO) to research/ discuss /prepare questions about involvement (ex. EU Careers Student Ambassadors) and EU career opportunities;
  • 20 hours: virtual student teamwork (preparation of Meet a Member of the EESC) to give advice to EESC as youth consultants, prepare Q&A, and research particular policy areas (assigned in advance) in order to engage with EESC staff/ representatives/ cabinet members in Brussels. This includes the formulation of a 2-page report;
  • 2 hours - Commencement Ceremony (BIP graduation) - session to conclude project, give general feedback (teachers and perhaps EU institution feedback with staff member), give prizes/ awards and provide a forum for student evaluation of project and overall BIP experience.


This course is open to Bachelor's, Master's and PhD's students at CIVIS member universities, with a strong interest in political science, international relations, civil society, law and/ or other related studies, AI /Big Tech, as well as the functioning of the EU.

Also, the participants should prove excellent English skills (B2), teamwork, critical thinking, negotiation skills and ability to compromise, data and political analysis, as well as creativity and ability to propose viable political projects/ initiatives.

NB: Visiting Students - Erasmus Funding Eligibility

To be eligible for your selected CIVIS programme, you must be a fully enrolled student at your CIVIS home university at the time you will be undertaking the programme. Click here to learn more about the eligibility criteria.

Students from CIVIS’ strategic partner universities in Africa cannot apply for participation in this course.

Application process

Send your application by filling in the online application form by 31 October 2024, including:

  • CV
  • Motivation letter
  • Level of English (According to CEFR)
  • Recommendation letter from a current/ former university professor stating the suitability and the 'good fit' (academically, personally) of the applicant for this CIVIS BIP.

Teachers will evaluate student applications based on the documents above and some brief answers to general policy-related questions posed by teachers. 

Apply now


The assessment for this course consists of:

  • student attendance during all online sessions (15 contact hours with teachers) + physical mobility in Brussels
  • student participation in all preparation tasks (online sessions for feedback on consultancy work / writing tasks
  • teacher evaluation of quantity and quality of ideas/ work 
  • student willingness to play the game (online and offline components)
  • evidence of student efforts/ anaylses/ presentations/ proposals, Q&A etc.

Blended Intensive Programme

This CIVIS course is a Blended Intensive Programme (BIP): a new format of Erasmus+ mobility which combines online teaching with a short trip to another campus to learn alongside students and professors across Europe. Click here to learn more about CIVIS BIPs.

GDPR Consent

The CIVIS alliance and its member universities will treat the information you provide with respect. Please refer to our privacy policy for more information on our privacy practices. By applying to this course you agree that we may process your information in accordance with these terms.

  • Elena Brînduşa Nicolaescu, Senior University Lecturer @ Faculty of Political Science - University of Bucharest
  • Gabriele Abels, Chair for Comparative Politics and European Integration - University of Tübingen
  • Andy Edgel, Coordinator of Political Science (Poli 2, Anglais II), ULB Langues - Université libre de Bruxelles