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AMU invites all CIVIS librarians to join an international academic network of peers

19 septiembre 2024
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Exchanging best practices, developing connections and ideally fostering projects among university libraries. These are the goals of AMU's librarians, who decided to expand their network to the CIVIS alliance. 
The first CIVIS librarians staff week organised in Marseille @ SCD amU

For over a year now, CIVIS librarians have been holding monthly 45-minunte Zoom meetings (every first Tuesday of the month at 10 AM CET), open to all, to discuss specific topics: signage, welcoming international students, conservation issues or artificial intelligence. All ideas are welcome, they announce. 

Librarians share a strong culture of networking, whether it be on a national or an international level. It’s in our DNA. Any librarian from the alliance willing to share his or her experience is welcome to take part in the discussion", explains Anne-Céline Lambotte, one of the project initiators.

Zoom meetings make it possible to keep the CIVIS library network thriving in between real life meetings. They are easy to access with no prerequisite and no special preparation needed. Just save the date, follow the link and meet other CIVIS members to talk about your line of work and common issues!

Here is a sneak peek to upcoming topics:

  • October 2024: Internal communications
  • November 2024: LEGO serious play: library of things
  • December 2024: Sustainable development

Meetings coming early 2025 will also include virtual exhibitions and user satisfaction (how/ why to carry out a survey and data analysis).

Staff weeks, also on the table

In addition to these monthly Zooms, amU librarians also organise trips to meet their CIVIS counterparts. The most recent ones took place in Tübingen and Athens in 2023, Salzburg and Madrid in 2024. Together, they exchange practices through thematic presentations and visit libraries, as well as other institutions such as the National Library of Greece. They welcomed CIVIS librarians in Marseille for their third staff week last June.

Interested people can contact Anne-Céline Lambotte or their CIVIS institutional coordinator.

The project's details are also available in French, on amU's webpage

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