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Interested in Innovative Pedagogies? CIVIS has launched a series of workshops dedicated to academics coming from all fields of expertise. The main aim of these events is to share expertise in higher education teaching and learning and stimulate pedagogical innovation at the grassroots. The workshops are based on an extensive previous screening and analysis of trends and experiences in the eight universities of our alliance. In a nutshell, challenging topics, high-level specialists, tested ideas and transformative approaches!  Read more and register now to secure a seat!
See the upcoming workshops below

Transformez votre approche pédagogique avec l'accessibilité numérique pour tous

Dates and times

  1. Activités autonomes sur Moodle - Du 2 avril 2024 au 16 mai 2024 inclus. 

  2. Synchrone sur Zoom (durée 1 à 2h) : les jeudi 23 mai 2024, jeudi 30 mai 2024, et jeudi 06 juin 2024.

Explorez les avantages de l'accessibilité numérique pour créer un environnement inclusif et soutenir tous vos étudiants. Ce workshop vous permettra de changer votre état d'esprit, de concevoir des contenus pédagogiques accessibles, d'identifier leurs impacts sur vos apprenants, et ainsi de révolutionner vos pratiques d'enseignement. Participez à des défis et des sessions de partage pour transformer votre approche pédagogique vers une conception universelle.

Pour plus d'informations sur l'inscription, veuillez consulter la page web de l'atelier.

Empowering Student Competency through Digital Open Badges and Formative Assessment Pathways

14 June 2024

The workshop aims to establish an integrated system to develop, assess, and certify competencies in CIVIS.

We will explore the use of open badges as a tool for recognizing acquired skills, emphasizing the importance of valuing prior experiences and providing formative assessment pathways.

We will cover the theoretical aspects of defining competency and describing our valuation model, as well as discuss administrative challenges.

Additionally, a practical example of competency development and certification pathways involving local engagement will be presented.

For further information and registration, please visit the workshop's webpage.