376 news
CIVIS OpenLab Call for Projects: selection results4 August 2020
CIVIS receives EUR 2 million to reinforce the research dimension of its European Civic University25 July 2020
Adapting to the Post-Pandemic Future of Education through Virtual Mobilities25 June 2020
International webinar on "innovating HE pedagogy in turbulent times" - 23 June 202017 June 2020
How CIVIS envisions the Post-Pandemic University Education12 June 2020
CIVIS is looking for an external project evaluator10 June 2020
Rethinking Higher Education through digital learning4 June 2020
Call for Proposals for CIVIS Hub 1 Activities: Climate, Environment and Energy19 May 2020
Call for Researchers - 2020 MSCA-IF programme18 May 2020
University of Bucharest participated in the Eu vs Virus virtual hackathon29 April 2020
Interview with Prof. Söderbergh Widding, new President of the CIVIS alliance29 April 2020
CIVIS member universities united against COVID-1927 April 2020
From the bench to the internet, how are our CIVIS universities coping with the digital shift?22 April 2020
Research at the frontline of the fight against COVID-192 April 2020
5 CIVIS member universities have been awarded ERC Advanced grants1 April 2020
CIVIS alliance celebrates the inauguration of the new CIVIS President, Professor Astrid Söderbergh Widding1 April 2020
Rector E.Gaudio mandate's as 1st President of the CIVIS European University alliance ends31 March 2020
3 CIVIS member universities to receive EU grants for coronavirus research24 March 2020
CIVIS member universities have organised solidarity actions to help their communities against COVID1923 March 2020
CIVIS board of Rectors biannual meeting at Sapienza University17 March 2020