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National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

The National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA) is a public, self-governed Higher Education Institution, under the auspices of the Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs. Inaugurated in 1837, it has been the oldest higher education institution of the Modern Greek state and the first university in the Balkan and Eastern Mediterranean area. Since then it has been an internationally competitive, globally-focused, research-led university.

University of Athens

The NKUA has 8 Schools and 33 Departments issuing corresponding Bachelor degrees. Currently, the NKUA offers 183 postgraduate programs leading to a Master's or a Doctoral degree in science and arts. It has 5 University Research Institutes, 3 University Hospitals, 76 Clinics, 224 University Laboratories, 10 libraries, a University Club. It also offers the History Museum of the University, the Historical Archive and 13 thematic museums, the Modern Greek Language Teaching Center for foreigners, and the Foreign Languages Teaching Center where 25 languages can be studied and special programs are available in language, translation, and science of law or medicine.

There are more than 40.000 undergraduate students currently enrolled in the 33 bachelor programmes offered by the University, while circa 23.000 students are enrolled in Master and Doctoral programs together. 6.000 International students are registered in all three study cycles.

Research and innovation is a priority for the University's faculty and researchers. Except that the NKUA is currently ranked 26th among 10.500 Universities in "Top Universities by Google Scholar Citations of Webometrics", faculty members have been particularly successful in securing significant international and national research funds, like the Partnership Agreement for the Development Framework 2014-2020, European Union projects (i.e. under Horizon 2020), partnerships with public and private sector bodies, the provision of services to legal entities and individuals, grants, donations and others. During the last 4 years about 5,000 to 8,000 researchers per year work full- or part time for the accomplishment of the research projects. Among these researchers are also young researchers such as Ph.D. students, post-doctoral researchers, etc.

NKUA invests on Bilateral Agreements with Universities or equivalent institutions in the framework of Erasmus+, as well as international cooperation agreements. For the academic year 2018-2019 the NKUA has established 680 Erasmus bilateral agreements with 341 European Universities, as well as a number of non-European universities through the Erasmus International credit mobility program. There are also 74 active bilateral agreements between NKUA and Universities and Institutions from 34 countries world-wide. The University is a member of international organizations, associations and university networks (UNIMED, UNICA, BSEMAN, IAU, EUA, ΕΑΙΕ, UNEECC, IIE, BUA, SUN).

Since the beginning of the ERASMUS+ programme (1987) the NKUA has sent abroad -mainly to France, Germany and Spain- more than 13000 students for studies and traineeships and more than 730 members of teaching staff and it has received more than 5300 incoming students, most of them also from France, Germany and Spain.

Vision: research and education shall be characterized and guided by excellence, innovation, creativity and distinction; our standpoints shall reflect historical and contemporary Greek culture to the scientific community worldwide; our academics should be actively connected with local, national and global communities.

Strategic goals: Integration, expansion, evolvement, internationalization.

Country: Greece
City: Athens
University's name: National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Date of creation: 1837

Few figures

Number of students

  • 22,610  (male)
  • 36,738 (female)

Number of staff 

  • 1,666 - academic staff;
  • 430 - other teaching/laboratory staff;
  • 1,097 - administrative staff

Factulties & Departments

School of Theology

  • Department of Theology
  • Department of Social Theology and Religious Studies

School of Law

School of Economics and Political Sciences

  • Department of Political Science and Public Administration
  • Department of Economics
  • Department of Communication and Media Studies
  • Department of Turkish Studies and Modern Asian Studies

School of Philosophy

  • Department of Philology
  • Department of History and Archaeology
  • Department of Philosophy, Pedagogy and Psychology
  • Department of Psychology
  • Department of English Language and Literature
  • Department of French Language and Literature
  • Department of German Language and Literature
  • Department of Italian Language and Literature
  • Department of Spanish Language and Literature
  • Department of Music Studies
  • Department of Theatre Studies
  • Department of Russian Language and Literature and Slavic Studies

School of Sciences

  • Department of Physics
  • Department of Chemistry
  • Department of Mathematics
  • Department of Biology
  • Department of Geology and Geoenvironment
  • Department of Informatics and Telecommunications
  • Department of History and Philosophy of Science

School of Health Sciences

  • School of Medicine
  • Department of Dentistry
  • Department of Pharmacy
  • Department of Nursing

School of Education

  • Department of Primary Education
  • Department of Early Childhood Education

School of Physical Education and Sport Science

Number of PhD theses defended in 2017-2018

  • 458