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Co-led by Hassan II University of Casablanca (H2UC) and Aix-Marseille University (AMU), the Research WP aims to develop original research on the multiple and mutually reinforcing crises faced by both continents.

An important aspect of the Research WP in the PolyCIVIS project, is its aim to generate interdisciplinary new knowledge on the EU-Africa relations, and ensure the significant exchange between researchers and academics already affiliated with our network, and external experts.

The Research WP aims at enabling joint knowledge production and providing research instruments shaped by the network’s research questions and findings. As part of the creation of a cartography on the polycrisis, a Polycrisis database will be developed, with the aim to include 300 to 500 resources: articles, ongoing research, publications and relevant contacts of academics, policy makers and researchers whose work centers around the global polycrisis. 

In parallel, an edited volume, entitled «Facing polycrises together: a Euro-African perspective» will be created. In the final year of the project, in 2026, WP2 co-leaders will organize a final conference in Aix-en-Provence.