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Webinar: Non-plaque induced gingival diseases (oral medecine)

30 Mai 2022

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Open to
CIVIS students & academics
30 Mai 2022

A new classification is proposed in 2017, based on the etiology of the lesions and includes Genetic/Developmental disorders; Specific infections; Inflammatory and immune conditions and lesions; Reactive processes; Neoplasms; Endocrine, Nutritional and metabolic diseases; Traumatic lesions; and Gingival pigmentation.

While plaque‐induced gingivitis is one of the most common human inflammatory diseases, several non–plaque‐induced gingival diseases are less common but often of major significance for patients. The non–plaque‐induced gingival lesions are often manifestations of systemic conditions, but they may also represent pathologic changes limited to gingival tissues.

Main topics addressed

  • Report the new classification
  • Clarify the different aspects
  • Describe the main lesions observed in the gum

Learning outcomes

Differential diagnosis of non-plaque induced gingival diseases.

This webinar is related to the medical/dental field. It is open to Bachelor's, Master & PhD students and academics at CIVIS member universities.

The webinar will be held online on Zoom, on 30 May 2022, 14.00-16.00 CEST. To register and receive more information about how to participate in the webinar series, click here and fill in this online form.

If you have any questions, please contact Umberto Romeo from Sapienza Università di Roma.

This webinar is organised by:
