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CIVIS3i postdoctoral researchers come together in Madrid

13 Mai 2024
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The first CIVIS3i-UAM Postdoctoral meeting, hosted at the Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, brought together researchers from the CIVIS3i postdoctoral programme, providing a forum for discussion and facilitating integration. 

A rich discussion 

The postdoctoral fellows of the 2nd CIVIS3i cohort held a seminar session where discussions included a wide range of topics, from the preservation of endangered earthen architecture in Western Asia to cutting-edge research in quantum optics and chemistry. The presentations showcased the breadth and depth of expertise within the CIVIS3i programme. 

  • Endangered Earthen Architecture project - Luca Volpi, Departamento de Historia Antigua, Historia Medieval y Paleografía, UAM

  • Development of smart porous materials as advanced sorbents of emerging water pollutants - Eduardos Loukopoulos,
  • Departamento de Química Inorgánica, UAM
  • My Four Key Words: Performance, Music, Gender, Memory - Elia Romera Figueroa, Departamento de Filología,
  • UAM
  • QOMQER - Quantum Optics Meet Quantum chEmistRy - Ruth Helena Tichauer, Departamento de Física Teórica de la Materia Condensada, UAM
  • RTDmol - Relativistic Time-Delays in molecules - Felipe Zapata Abellán, Departamento de Química, UAM

See the abstracts of the presentations here

Fostering collaboration

Dr. Rafaella Lenoir-Importa, the Local Contact Point, and Clara Gomez Zapatero from the European Research Office at UAM elucidated questions about the postdoctoral programme's implementation, enriching the dialogue with their insights.

In the end, the participants expressed their commitment to fostering an inspiring research environment and interdisciplinary collaboration.