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The programme can only be started in the winter semester. EU students must submit their applications by 15 September, while non-EU citizens must apply by 15 July.

First semester - University of Tübingen

At the University of Tübingen, you will have the opportunity to take courses in English in the 1st semester as part of the existing MSc in Archaeological Sciences and Human Evolution. 

Students will be introduced to archaeological sciences and human evolution and build a solid foundation for the following semesters.

Students will take three required modules:

  1. Theories and methods in archaeology
  2. Stone Age archaeology
  3. Stone Age societies and ideology

They will also choose one of the modules that provide comprehensive introductions to the following disciplines:

  • Archaeobotany
  • Archaeometry
  • Geoarchaeology
  • Palaeoanthropology
  • Zooarchaeology
  • Palaeogenetics.

In parallel, students conduct laboratory work and participate in field trips and visits to museums and archaeological sites.

Second semester - Sapienza Università di Roma

During the 2nd semester at Sapienza Università di Roma, students will take courses within the existing MA in Mediterranean Archaeology at the Dipartimento di Scienze dell'Antichità.

They will choose 3 required courses from the following:

  • Advances in Paleolithic Archaeology
  • Archaeology and Human Diversity
  • Threatened Archaeology: Threats and Mitigation
  • Experimental Archaeology for Use-Wear and Residues Analysis

Participants will decide on an elective module between:

  • Archaeometry, When, Where, What?
  • Information Technology for Archaeology
  • Human Migrations Mobility and Identities in Life and Death in Prehistory
As a student from this Master's programme, you will have the opportunity to work in the LTFAPA laboratory under the direction of Prof. Cristina Lemorini, where they will learn the principles of use and residue analysis through macro- and microscopic observations using a large reference collection of replicas of lithic industries from a variety of raw materials from Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. Field trips and visits to museums and archaeological sites will be organised.

Third semester - Aix-Marseille université

During the 3rd semester in Aix-Marseille université, participants will take courses within the existing MA programme in Archéologie, Sciences pour l'Archéologie at the Faculté des Arts, Lettres, Langues et Sciences Humaines.

As a student, you will choose courses on material culture, including stone and bone technology, as well as bioarchaeology and geoarchaeology, including courses on zooarchaeology, osteology, and bone taphonomy, as well as a multidisciplinary course on the specifics of different environments (e.g., coastal environments, mountain environments).

Students may accompany members of Aix-Marseille université and LAMPEA to excavations at various sites in France and elsewhere.

In parallel with lectures, seminars, practical classes, and laboratory work, students may participate in several archaeological excavations conducted by members of the partner universities at Paleolithic sites in France, Italy, Germany, and elsewhere.

Master thesis

The Master thesis can be done either in University of Tübingen, Sapienza Università di Roma, or Aix-Marseille université.

Header Photo ©Riccardo Rossi