UB highlights the selection of Emilian Mihailov to the Young Academy Of Europe

Currently the director of the Applied Ethics Research Center Dr. Emilian Mihailov has published numerous articles in prestigious international journals on subjects such as:
- the ethical implications of neuroscience,
- the ethics of artificial intelligence and bio enhancement technologies,
- the psychology of moral judgments and outrage in the online environment,
- the development of empathy through virtual reality technology.
In 2020, together with an international team of scientists, he laid the foundations of a new research field – experimental bioethics – which uses experimental methods from psychology and cognitive sciences to contribute to the resolution of applied ethics issues.
Nowadays, Dr. Emilian Mihailov develops projects with the Uehiro Center for Practical Ethics of the University of Oxford and the Institute of Biomedical Ethics of the University of Basel. He teaches courses in philosophy and moral psychology, neuroethics and the ethics of emerging technologies.
About the Young Academy of Europe
In December 2012, the Young Academy of Europe was officially established as an independent association of top young researchers in Europe, at a constituent meeting held in Brussels (Belgium), with logistical and financial support from COST Horizon Europe. YAE established a partnership with Academia Europaea (AE), the most important forum for the recognition of scientific excellence at European level.
The Young Academy of Europe is a dynamic and innovative initiative. It recognises young researchers who have exceptional achievements and academic leadership qualities, at European level. The institution gives a voice to younger generations to make a vital contribution to shapingic policy at European Union level for the benefit of future European scholars.
YAE’s key objectives
- advice and feedback on science policy across Europe from a ‘younger’ perspective;
- the involvement of top young researchers in the future European research strategy, such as FSEL’s long-term plans and roadmaps;
- promoting evidence-based policies in all European countries;
- supporting young scientists in Europe in their further development and strategic thinking of their own discipline;
- creating and promoting a network of top young researchers from all disciplines in Europe.