Over 1,300 patents and 100 prototypes showcased during the Science for Industry Fair at UAM

A total of 80 universities and research centres, together with more than 300 companies, met to connect with institutions such as the European Commission, the European Investment Fund, the European Investment Bank and different European Science Equity funds, and establish crucial links for technological and industrial progress.
The deep tech's ecosystem
The event was articulated around three fundamental axes that involve the entire ecosystem of deep technologies. The aim? To give visibility to the mechanism that allows industry to emerge from the seeds created by Deep Science:
- The Global Summit (Patents for Innovation) showcases technological tools such as the Digital Patent Catalogue and the Industrial Challenges Platform, connects registered patents with current challenges in the sector. A perfect setting that provides multiple platforms and exhibition areas for universities and research centres.
- Investor Day, a new exclusive networking section that can only be accessed by pre-arranging meetings.
- The Facing Challenges Summit, a meeting of Science Equity funds which, after its consolidation in two previous editions in Madrid, merged on this occasion with S4i.
With this addition, we will be able to attract all the pieces of the ecosystem, as investors, national and European public agents, startups, industrial companies, universities and research centres will be able to coincide, making it the ideal showcase for new technologies and products arising from science and deep knowledge," said Alberto Díaz, founding partner of BeAble Capital and organiser of the event together with the UAM.
Meeting point for world leaders in the 'Deep Science' ecosystem
The opening ceremony was attended by the Minister of Science, Innovation and Universities, Diana Morant, and the rector Amaya Mendikoetxea as the main authorities. Avelino Corma, researcher at the Institute of Chemical Technology, and winner of the European Inventor Award 2023 for his professional career, was also among the speakers.
The presence of Nobel Laureate Fraser Stoddart set the hallmark of scientific excellence at S4i, an event that, following the success of the first edition of Patents for Innovation (P4i), has established itself as a benchmark scenario for disruptive research projects in the most influential industrial sectors.
Science for Industry highlighted the importance of collaboration between knowledge-generating organisations and companies to boost economic and social growth. A framework in which the maturity of Venture Capital markets and the positive perception of investment in innovation are key factors for progress.
Spain is ranked 29th out of 39 European countries listed in the Global Innovation Index.