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Il Consiglio Studentesco CIVIS è l'organo che rappresenta gli studenti iscritti alle 11 università aderenti all'Alleanza CIVIS. Il Consiglio è la voce degli studenti e ha l'obiettivo di garantire che le loro esigenze siano ascoltate, soddisfatte e rispettate.

Il Consiglio Studentesco è composto dal comitato direttivo, dal presidente e dal segretario, e dai coordinatori dei cinque gruppi di lavoro: Social Media, Comunicazione interna, Mobilità, Regolamento interno e Partenariati africani. I gruppi di lavoro assicurano un dialogo costante tra il Consiglio Studentesco e gli studenti, facilitando la trasmissione delle loro esigenze agli altri organi responsabili.

Inoltre, il Consiglio Studentesco è presente e attivo in varie strutture dell'Alleanza CIVIS. Gli studenti collaborano con docenti e personale amministrativo alla progettazione e all'innovazione del nostro spazio accademico comune, e sono attori importanti nel processo di co-creazione dell'Alleanza delle Università Civiche Europee.

Non esitare a contattarci all'indirizzo: e condividi pensieri e idee su CIVIS. Segui le nostre attività, perché stanno accadendo molte cose straordinarie!

Incontra gli studenti che con CIVIS si impegnano a cambiare il panorama dell'istruzione superiore:

Ioannis Stouras , National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

My name is Ioannis Stouras and I am currently a medical student at the Medical School of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. The main reason why I am delighted to be part of the CIVIS Student Council is that I strongly believe that students are the most important stakeholders of the CIVIS community. With our voices heard in the decision-making process, we significantly contribute to driving science and education forward in the gulfs of this great European initiative.

Katerina Schoina, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

My name is Katerina Schoina and I live in the beautiful Athens! I am a PhD student in Folklore Studies in the Faculty of Philology at the School of Philosophy of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. Also, I am a postgraduate student in the Environmental, Disaster and Crises Management Strategies program at the School of Sciences in the Faculty of Geology and Geoenvironment at the same university. CIVIS is a great opportunity for all of us to create a collaboration and communication between the Alliance, which represents a unique opportunity for me as a GSC Member to meet peers across Europe, exchange knowledge and experience, but more importantly to unite and shape the Higher Education of tomorrow! Moreover, I see CIVIS as an opportune moment for us to develop student-led collaboration, but more importantly to exchange knowledge and unite our peers to achieve wielder student participation in the Alliance!

Pinelopi-Michaela Natsi

Γειά σας! (Hello!)

My name is Pinelopi-Michaela Natsi and I am an undergraduate philosophy student at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. As a member of the CIVIS Student Council, I am passionate about contributing to the advancement of higher education within the CIVIS Alliance. I firmly believe that students play a key role in shaping academic policies and initiatives that directly impact our learning environments.

The CIVIS network offers students opportunities for mobility and virtual learning, connecting them with peers and professors from diverse backgrounds. These experiences enrich academic and personal growth, fostering an inclusive environment. By strengthening these connections, we can build a dynamic academic setting that prepares students to address future challenges and make meaningful contributions to the global community.


Ana Maria Belciu, University of Bucharest

Hello, everybody! My name is Ana-Maria Belciu and I am a 1st year Bachelor student in Sociology in English at the University of Bucharest. I am passionate about sustainability and ways of providing quality of life to vulnerable population groups. I joined CIVIS in hopes of advancing the dialogue on how adapting more sustainable methods at all levels in our society can increase the quality of life of all members of a community.

Angelo Petre, University of Bucharest

My name is Angelo, I am currently in my masters, studying Geodemography, Social and territorial Vulnerabilities at the University of Bucharest. My interests focus on spatial accessibility to essential services, especially educational facilities, as well as foodscape characteristics and the impact on health and population wellbeing. I am also interested in the analysis of human capital and the links between health status and education level on the allocation of human capital.

I am very thankful to be part of the CIVIS community as I consider that the role of students in the consolidation and co-creation of the future civic university is essential, as we are directly targeted by the higher education policies.

Razvan Bunciu, University of Bucharest

My name is Răzvan! I am a student at the Faculty of Law, University of Bucharest and I am keen on social sciences, including IR, Sociology and (especially) Law. I consider myself a hands-on person and I enjoy spending my time volunteering, with my friends, and binge watching TV series.

Kirill Dolguiy, Université libre de Bruxelles


My name is Kirill and I'm an undergraduate Law student. My desire to become a student representative within CIVIS stems from my deep conviction that students are the primary drivers of change.

Actively participating in this alliance allows me to contribute to the evolution of our institutions toward greater international cooperation, which is essential to addressing critical global challenges. In order to achieve this, it is not only necessary to promote civic engagement but, more importantly, to develop cross-disciplinary skills among students, preparing them to become engaged and informed citizens—something that CIVIS actively fosters! The alliance strengthens the social relevance of higher education and encourages students to take an active role in their communities. For these reasons, I'm taking part in the co-creation of an inclusive and innovative European academic space.

Vanessa Jubenot, Université libre de Bruxelles


My name is Vanessa Jubenot. I have a BA in Political Science and French from the University of Western Ontario in Canada and am now doing a Master's degree in Anthropology at the Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB) in Belgium. My memoire will combine the European migration crisis, citizen's activism in Brussels and the horn of Africa (specifically Ethiopia). 

I joined the CIVIS Global Student Council (GSC) Managing Committee as Secretary in October 2022, along with my colleague Angelo Petre who joined as Chair. Within the GSC, I'm the Working Group leader for African Partnerships and was honoured to be able to join a CIVIS delegation to South Africa, Mozambique, Morocco and Uganda to meet our new partners and their local student councils in 2022-23. Within the bigger CIVIS family, I sit on the Steering Committee, Stream 1 and Hub 4 on Cities, Spaces, and Mobilities. 

At the ULB, I'm part of my local council's executive committee as "Responsable International" and also sit on the "Conseil d'Administration" and "Assemblée plénière". I believe that it is only through connection, immersion and shared experiences that we can build a healthy, vibrant and thriving society. For me, the CIVIS project is a wonderful, ambitious platform that champions these values and I'm thrilled to be able  contribute to its growth through the Student Council

Arnav Saxena, University of Glasgow

Hiya! My name is Arnav Saxena and I'm studying Chemistry at the University of Glasgow! Alongside being the Chemistry Representative at Glasgow Uni I'm really excited to join CIVIS, last year I had the opportunity to study abroad and it was one of the most enriching and exciting things I have ever done. I’m really looking forward to helping students with their own exchanges and becoming a part of this multicultural group

Miko Mijsiej, University of Glasgow

Hello , I’m Miko and I’m in the 4th year of my Law degree at the University of Glasgow. I’m originally from Poland and moved to the UK in 2007. Over the last few years, I focused on researching European human rights law and I participated in reviews of Human rights implementation of a few EU member states . For me , the most important thing that CIVIS ensures is international collaboration on issues like human rights research – I think that the benefits of international collaboration are being shown more and more in a divided world

Rina Väre, University of Glasgow

Hiya! I'm Rinna Väre, originally, I'm from Finland but I have lived in Glasgow, Scotland, since 2018 having completed my undergraduate degree in Politics and Sociology this summer. This year I'm working full time as the President of our Student Representative Council and I'm really excited to be able to contribute to CIVIS Global Student Council for the second year. For me the most important thing about CIVIS is ensuring that students from a wide range of backgrounds can experience studying abroad or at a different university even after the constraints Brexit has created for student mobility.

Lea Fontana, University of Lausanne

Hi! I am Lea Fontana from Switzerland. I am 22 years old, and I am in my second year of Law at the University of Lausanne (UniL). Overactive, Passionate, and motivated, I love taking part in new projects. For me, CIVIS is a unique and ambitious educative initiative with the collaboration and multiculturalism. Which represents the future of the European identity.

Judith Garcia, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Hi there! My name is Judith García Ribas and I'm a final year Law and Politics student at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. I have always been interested in International Relations, cultural heritage and languages and I believe CIVIS provides students from the Alliance with the opportunity to learn a lot about those.

I grew interested in being part of the Student Representation Body of CIVIS mainly because it strives to create a sense of community between students from various backgrounds and ideologies. Not only that, but it allows for them to engage in conversations regarding different disciplines and they might even have the chance of taking part in mobility courses, where they explore other countries and their cultures, while building new relationships and networking. That is why I think CIVIS is working hard to improve the student experience and I'm thrilled to be part of that development during my academic trajectory.

Marlena Sofía Casajuana Radecka, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

I wanted to become a CIVIS student council member because I always strive to go further, I enjoy learning, teaching, and getting to know. I also love the exchange of knowledge between cultures and countries.

My passion for cultural diversity and education is what has motivated me to be here. I believe that my enthusiasm and willingness are two things that will bring passion to this project.

Pablo Luengo Martín, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

My previous experiences on an international stage have shown me the importance of cooperation and multiculturalism, as well as youth involvement in shaping the future Higher Education.

I believe CIVIS can play a fundamental role in this aspect, by supporting not only the academics, but also the personal and civic formation of students all across Europe.

I wanted to become a CIVIS Student Council member to further student’s participation in the alliance, as well as convey their views concerning ways in which CIVIS can promote their personal and professional development.

Teresa Serrano Melero, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

I wanted to become a Civis Student Council member because my aim as a student representative is to give voice to the needs of the student body in an international context.

This Alliance is an excellent opportunity to create a network of people working towards the goal of widening the walls of our universities and, at the same time, sharing new experiences and knowledge. I believe I am ready to actively participate in the improvement of this project and what it can bring to us.

Annachiara Ciancio, Sapienza Università di Roma

My name is Annachiara Ciancio , and I’m a third year law student at Sapienza University of Rome. I am so grateful to be part of CIVIS because I am convinced that is a great opportunity for all students to get to know more about our fellow students experience from all over Europe , and also to work on our personal and professional skills.

Gabriele Vallin, Sapienza Università di Roma

My name is Gabriele Vallin. I’m 21 and I’m attending the 3th year of the Bachelor Degree on Political Sciences and International Relations at Sapienza University of Rome. I’m also an Erasmus student in France right now.

Sara Palumbo, Sapienza Università di Roma

Hello everybody, my name is Sara Palumbo and I study aerospace engineer in the Italian university Sapienza. I am really pleased to actively partecipate in the many CIVIS activities. I hope to be helpful for anyone that wants to learn about the opportunity CIVIS gives. I wish that my contribution to this alliance and the Italian savior-fair will be useful to the improvement of all universities.

Johanna Büttner, Paris Lodron University of Salzburg

Hello everyone,

My name is Johanna Büttner and I am currently in my 2nd master semester at the University of Salzburg. I am interested in the field of psychology.

Nevertheless, as a student I find it important to participate in university dialogue. Through various functions at PLUS, I am happy to have the opportunity to represent students in the CIVIS Student Council and to contribute to the process of creating a European university and European campus!

Lisa Pfefferseder, Paris Lodron University of Salzburg

Hi! My name is Lisa and I am currently in my second year of the Master’s Program of Psychology at the University of Salzburg. I have always loved to connect with people from different countries and cultures, and that is why I love working for the CIVIS alliance. It makes me happy to be part of an alliance that helps to bring Europeans closer together.

Vida Kastelic, Stokholm University

Hi, my name is Vida and I am 24 years old. I study Criminology at Stockholm University, Sweden. I am also a certified veterinary technician. I love animals, video games and sports. In my free time I love spending time with my friends and going for walks with my doggo. :)

Divya Baharathi, Stokholm University

I am Divya, 2nd year Master's student in Environmental Atmosphere Biogeochemistry and Climate student at Stockholm University. I am from a coastal city in India, Visakhapatnam. I believe in equal opportunity for all, and I highly believe CIVIS plays a crucial role in uniting people from different cultures and bringing them together. I am very excited to develop my skills, gain experience and continue learning with CIVIS

Disa Ahlblom-Berg, Stockholm University

My name is Disa and I am from Stockholm University in Sweden. I have studied to be a students’ counselor but right now I am working full time as the vice president of the student union. That means that one of my main tasks is to participate in this kind of groups. I think that it’s important to always have the perspective of the student in everything. To travel to another country for your studies can make you very exposed and there for its important that we see and take care of the student rights in these kinds of programs.

Aslihan Aydindag, University of Tübingen

Hello, my name is Aslıhan Aydındağ and I have been a member of the Civis Global Student Council since 2022.

Civis is a platform on which I get to discuss current issues with students and academics across Europe. Bringing all age groups and academic levels together allows us to address societal issues and promote more justice when it comes to access to education for students across our universities.

I'm doing a parallel degree of English and French as an MA and a Teaching Degree. My main interests are teaching, child development and access to education.

Leon Fuß

 Hallo, I'm Leon,

I'm studying Computer Science / Cognitive Science (B.Sc.) at University of Tübingen. I wanted to become a CIVIS Student Council member because I believe in living the European dream—one that bridges national borders and enables students to experience a shared European identity. Through CIVIS, students gain the chance to form friendships across Europe, building connections that go beyond academics and foster a true sense of belonging. CIVIS can profoundly shape the future of higher education by promoting cross-cultural collaboration and creating a unified European educational space. This vision empowers students to thrive in an interconnected world, rooted in shared values and ambitions.

Dennis Siegel

I think CIVIS is a great opportunity to encourage more meaningful connections and collaborative learning experiences among various social and cultural groups, fostering the exchange of knowledge and skills. Furthermore, the European values and identity promoted by CIVIS can serve as a unifying force, inspiring students and institutions to address global challenges collectively, while embracing diversity and intercultural dialogue. We need to work on the Sustainable Development Goals now, and CIVIS offers the framework for it, combined with intercultural exchange.

Jonas Thumm, University of Tübingen


My name is Jonas Thumm, and I am currently studying Physical Geography at the University of Tübingen. Over the past few years, I’ve had the privilege of participating in several Blended Intensive Programs (BIPs), where I was able to deepen my knowledge beyond the usual scope of my studies. Together with fellow students from all over Europe we explored specific issues, sharing our respective knowledge and creating lasting friendships. During this time, I really came to understand and appreciate the unique gift we all share - a united Europe. Having experienced this inspiring side of CIVIS, I am eager to actively contribute to shaping the future of our alliance. My goal is to promote cross-cultural exchange, strengthen the bonds between our cultures and countries, and - most importantly - bring people together to build a better future.