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How & why to carry out a survey

4 février 2025

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Open to
All administrative staff
4 février 2025

Are you a librarian from a CIVIS library? Join an international academic network of peers to discuss topics of interest, exchange best practices, develop connections and - ideally - foster projects among university libraries. 

Zoom meetings make it possible to keep the CIVIS library network thriving in-between real live meetings. They are easy to access with no pre-requisite and no special preparation needed. Just save the date, follow the link and meet other CIVIS members to talk about your line of work and common issues!

                    February's topic: "How & why to carry out a survey"

Proposed topics

  • signage,
  • welcoming international students,
  • conservation issues,
  • artificial intelligence etc.

 The organizers announce that all ideas are welcome. 


  • every first Tuesday of the month


What time? 

  • between 10:00 - 10:45 AM CET. 

Interested and want to find out more? Contact Anne-Céline Lambotte or your institutional coordinator.