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Workshop: Giving and Receiving Effective Feedback

26 au 27 janvier 2021

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Type of event
Open to
CIVIS academics & researchers
26 au 27 janvier 2021

Effective feedback is a powerful tool that has benefits for both the giver and the receiver that can also help in professionalizing the teaching in higher education. The workshop aims at offering lecturers and teachers the opportunity to discuss existing resources to provide evidence- based tips on how to give good feedback and to practice with tools and methodologies.

This course consists of two sessions that will be held over two days. On the first day, January 26, we will have a discussion session with the participation of lecturers and experts who will explain how to carry out effective feedback. On the second day, a practical session will allow participants to practice first-hand with different feedback tools.

This workshop is part of the Teaching Innovation Week held on January 26, 27 and 28 at the UAM where the results of the 158 teaching innovation projects carried out during the 2019-2020 academic year.

Focus on Innovative pedagogies

Examples from the Innovative pedagogies handbook can be easily integrated.

Organiser: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Time: 16:00 - 18:00 CET

Language: English

Nb of participants: 15

NB: the link to the online workshop will be sent by e-mail shortly after the deadline for registration.

Natxo Alonso, School of Teacher Training and Education, natxo.alonso@uam.es

Jesus Manso, School of Teacher Training and Education jesus.manso@uam.es
