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Reflexivity in higher education: liberation or entrapment?

14 au 15 octobre 2024

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14 au 15 octobre 2024
The University of Bucharest, in collaboration with CIVIS, CIVICA and King’s College London, is pleased to announce the international conference Reflexivity in Higher Education: Liberation or Entrapment? The event will serve as a platform for scholars, academics, researchers, policymakers, practitioners, and students to explore and debate the role of reflexivity in higher education.

Reflexivity in the academe, the practice of self-examination and self-centred critical reflection regarding the organisation, governance, and activities of the university (including teaching and learning), is a crucial, albeit difficult to grasp, component of the higher education intellectual and policy milieu. This conference aims to investigate whether reflexivity acts as a vehicle for liberation, fostering innovation and individual and institutional advancements, or as a potential trap that complicates decision-making processes, policy implementation, or action altogether. 

Key themes and topics

  • Theoretical frameworks and approaches to reflexivity in higher education
  • Reflexivity in teaching and learning practices
  • The impact of reflexivity on educational policy and governance
  • Case studies and practical applications of reflexive practices in universities
  • Reflexivity in higher education contexts: challenges and opportunities

The conference will include a series of keynote speeches, presentations, roundtables, and panel discussions on the mentioned topics. These sessions are designed to foster dynamic interactions and in-depth discussions among participants, providing a comprehensive exploration of the complexities of reflexivity in higher education.

Call for presentations

A significant highlight of the conference will be a special session dedicated to honouring the memory of the late Professor Lazăr Vlăsceanu, a distinguished sociologist of education, a transformative leader at the University of Bucharest, and a higher education trailblazer in Europe. 

The authors of the collective volume "Reflexivity in Higher Education: Liberation or Entrapment? Scholarship, Policy, and Practice. A Festschrift in Memory of Lazăr Vlăsceanu", are invited to present their papers during the conference. This will be an excellent opportunity to share insights and engage in meaningful discussions with fellow scholars, academics, researchers, policymakers, practitioners, and students. 


Although face-to-face participation is encouraged, in order to facilitate more direct interaction and networking opportunities, the participation in the conference will also be possible in online format. Organisers aim to accommodate participants who may be unable to attend in person, ensuring broader accessibility and engagement.

Interested participants are kindly asked to register through the online form: The registration deadline is 15 September 2024.

*Certificates of participation will be issued to all participants. 

For any enquiries, please contact the conference organising committee at

Conference Conveners:

  • Prof. Liviu MATEI, Ph.D. - King's College London
  • Prof. Mihai PĂUNESCU, Ph.D. - National University of Political Studies and Public Administration Bucharest
  • Prof. Romiță IUCU, Ph.D. - University of Bucharest