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Challenge driven education in practice – sharing experiences and insights from Openlab Stockholm

3 décembre 2024

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3 décembre 2024
Join Challenge driven education in practice – sharing experiences and insights from Openlab Stockholm, the third webinar of CIVIS Connect - a series of online seminars throughout the 2024-2025 academic year.

We will be sharing experiences and insights from running a challenge driven education within OpenLab in Stockholm from both a research, education and stakeholder perspective. Moreover, we will get to know more about what, how and why challenge driven education is a succesful concept for future education.

The CIVIS Connect series is brought to you by the CIVIS Open Labs and features eight monthly one-hour sessions focusing on key topics such as public engagement with research, challenge-led education, civic engagement, outreach, participatory research, and service-learning.




  • Anders Rosén, Associate professor departement of learning, KTH
  • Helen Slättman, City´s executive Office, City of Stockholm
  • Jens Hemphälä, Researcher and teacher, Openlab mastercourse
  • Ivar Björkman, PhD, Director Openlab (Moderator of the event)

The event takes place on 3 December, between 12:00 - 13:00 CET

register now

The registration form will be available until the start of the webinar. After your subscription, you will get the Zoom access link via email. 




Please contact Ivar.bjorkman@openlab.se for further details and information.