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Explore the wonderful world of science during the EU researchers' night 2020!

25 novembre 2020
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On Friday 27 Nov, spend an evening filled with lab experiments, workshops, games and talks with researchers from our CIVIS member Universities and beyond!

The EU Researchers' night represents a unique opportunity for the public to interact with researchers and innovators, and explore the wonders of science. This European initiative, funded under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions, aims at showcasing the work of Researchers, its impact on society daily lives and promoting scientific research and careers among young people.

A large number of interactive events will be accessible online this Friday 27 Nov. Over a hundred researchers from our CIVIS member Universities will open their labs and share their research discoveries.

Find out what is happening in your university and country:

Aix-Marseille université:

What: 100% online event with many virtual sessions and activities to interact with over 70 Researchers from the University!
The event is co-organised with 14 other French cities. 

Where: https://aix-marseille.nuitchercheurs.eu/

University of Bucharest

What: The University of Bucharest is the largest partner of the Bucharest Consortium that organizes the EU researchers night in the capital of Romania. In the country, the event will take place simultaneously in 30 cities. Most of the events will be held online, with webinars, debates, virtual tours of main scientific institutes of the country and lots of activities dedicated to young students and general audiences. 


Universidad Autonoma de Madrid:

What: 14 activities will be carried out in UAM under the name "Science takes care of you. Take care of science". Most of the activities will be online, except for one, which will be semi-presential in a library.

Where: See UAM’s Cultural and scientific Dept 

Sapienza University of Rome:

What: 7 events will take place across 84 Italian cities from educational activities to virtual lab tours and more

Where: https://www.scienzainsieme.it/notte-europea-dei-ricercatori/

Events taking place in other CIVIS countries (both physically and digitally)





Explore more events happening across Europe and beyond on the MSCA website.
The EU researchers night is an initiative funded by HORIZON 2020 under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions programme, which represents the EU’s largest research and innovation programme.