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SMARTT at the mid-term meeting organized by the DG EAC in Brussels

26 octobre 2023
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The SMARTT project team participated in the mid-term meeting organized by the Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport, and Culture of the European Commission which took place on 24th October in Brussels.  The meeting aimed to bring together representatives of the Erasmus pilot projects on the joint European degree label and the European legal status for alliances and to highlight the progress and results achieved by the pilots 6 months after their start in support of the preparatory work on the upcoming Higher Education Initiative planned for 2024.

The SMARTT team was represented by Mrs. Nadia Fernández de Pinedo, Project Coordinator of SMARTT and a Professor at the Autonomous University of Madrid; Mr. Ilias Antoniou, Administrative Project Manager of CIVIS at NKUA and Work Package 4 – Communication and Dissemination Leader in the SMARTT project; and Mr. Alexandru Cartis, Head of CIVIS Education Unit at the University of Bucharest and co-leader of Work Package 1 - Project Management Coordination in SMARTT.  The SMARTT delegation provided an in-depth overview of the initial results from the project's first phase and highlighted the substantial contributions of all partners in the development of the joint European Degree Label. 

Mrs. Vanessa Debiais-Sainton, Head of the Unit for Higher Education at the Directorate General for Education, Youth, Sport, and Culture of the European Commission and Mr. Yann-Maël Bideau, the Policy Officer at the European Commission responsible for the European Degrees project, emphasized that the European Commission will propose a blueprint for the future joint European degree. This proposal will contribute to achieving a European Education Area and will be supported by recommendations on quality assurance in higher education and attractive academic careers.