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University of Glasgow

The University of Glasgow’s students and researchers have been changing the world since 1451. From Adam Smith, James Watt, Lord Kelvin to today’s ‘world-changers’ working on some of the most exciting discoveries of our time, the University of Glasgow is a place where ambitious people can succeed regardless of background or circumstance.

From study abroad opportunities to international research projects, the University of Glasgow is global in outlook. The University of Glasgow is one of the top 100 universities in the world and one of the largest research bases in the UK with an annual income for research recently surpassing the £179M mark. The University of Glasgow’s #TeamUofG community brings together staff and students from over 140 countries and works collaboratively with some 200 institutions around the world.

The University’s established Glasgow Research Beacons bring together cross-disciplinary areas of world-class research to make the world a better place by finding life-changing solutions in areas such as addressing inequalities, cultural and creative economies, precision medicine and chronic diseases, one health, future life and the nano and quantum world. These areas of distinctiveness are drivers for innovation whilst the University’s £1 billion Campus Development programme will create spaces and opportunities for world-changing research, teaching and education, as well as a vibrant community hub and centre for public engagement.

In 2020, the University of Glasgow was named as the Times Higher Education (THE) University of the Year for our work to redress historic links to slavery through a significant programme of reparative justice (learn more).

Students, on a comprehensive range of undergraduate, postgraduate and research degree programmes enjoy living and working in a world-class institution and city.