Open Science (OS) is a general term applied to the ways in which science is practiced and disseminated. How can CIVIS take OS from vision to practice with a common approach and support for the implementation of this new paradigm in research? In Module 5 of the RIS4CIVIS project, we aim to raise the awareness across the CIVIS academic community about the latest developments in OS and to promote collaborations that incorporate OS practices.
RIS4CIVIS Module 5 - Mainstreaming of Open Science

Our objectives for Open Science
The OS landscape is vast and the action plan for Module 5 is accordingly ambitious. Our plans range from providing reliable information about OS to supporting wider cultural transformations in the way research results are produced, disseminated, communicated, and evaluated. In RIS4CIVIS we will undertake four concrete case studies:
- Common CIVIS Open Science knowledge base
- CIVIS training programmes on Open Science
- CIVIS Open Science Award
- Pilot case study on research assessment
Each of the selected case studies will offer benefits for the CIVIS research and academic community. For example, the first two case studies will soon provide a common entry point for discovering trusted OS resources and an accessible list of OS training programmes - both within CIVIS and proposed by other institutions and organisations. Over time, both resources are expected to grow and develop.
Case studies 3 and 4 are important for the development of Open Science on the long term. The CIVIS Open Science Award will promote and celebrate good OS practices and highlight the successful implementation of OS in research projects. The pilot case study on research assessment is a joint activity with RIS4CIVIS Modules 4 (Human Capital) and 6 (Citizen Science). This pilot is part of a much broader, international discussion about the reform of research assessment. We aim to contribute to ongoing debates on this topic with new criteria that take into account OS practices and results. In order to test and evaluate these criteria, a collaborative work with Module 4 (e.g., on the HRS4R award) and Module 6 (on similar approaches regarding Citizen Science) is needed.
In summary, the current work developed in Module 5 covers several aspects of OS. We aim to create a new framework for collaborative work on OS within CIVIS, and to contribute to broader discussions on the transformation of research practices and outcomes.

RIS4CIVIS Podcast - Mainstreaming of Open Science
Our main topic will be focused on Open Science and its latest development within the CIVIS Alliance. We are glad to host Mihnea Dobre, module leader on OS in RIS4CIVIS but also Associate Professor in philosophy and history of science, Anne-Céline Lambotte, head of the health libraries at AMU and Fabien Borget, Professor in Chemistry and Open Science Project Manager for AMU. Together, we will discuss Open Science practices, knowledge and a CIVIS training programme on Open Science that was recently implemented.
Research Assessment Reform
Research Assessment Reform is a key theme within RIS4CIVIS, encompassing Open Science, Science Communication and Citizen Science. RIS4CIVIS modules have worked together to improve research careers, assessment criteria, local institutional structures and national legislation. Discover their achievements in the podcast, with the valuable presence of Mihnea Dobre, Associate Professor of Philosophy and History of Science, Rafaella Lenoir, responsible for Open Science at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, and Fabien Borget, Professor of Chemistry and Open Science Project Manager at Aix-Marseille Université.

Briefing note
RIS4CIVIS modules leaders have addressed briefing notes to advocate decision-makers on relevant guidelines based on their experiences and main findings. Briefing notes give decision-makers knowledge and provide recommendations on key actions areas such as Open science, Human Capital, Infrastructure, Civil Society or Industry.