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Metamorphosis in a changing world

Explore migration concepts and processes through multidisciplinary and multilingual approaches to better understand contemporary social realities

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CIVIS focus area
Society, culture, heritage
Open to
  • Bachelor's
  • Master's
  • Phd
Field of studies
  • Art, Design and Media
  • Business and Management
  • Computer Science and IT
  • Engineering & Technology
  • Environment & Agriculture
  • Natural Sciences and Mathematics
  • Social Science and humanities
  • Short-term
  • CIVIS Hub 2
Course dates
24 January - 4 February

This two-week course held at the Université libre de Bruxelles is a new opportunity to reflect on “Metamorphosis in a changing world, the role of culture and heritage in society’s transformation”, and will focus on the topic of Migrations and metamorphosis: reconfiguration and continuity in multicultural societies.

Historically, migrations have influenced social realities and contributed to the construction of national identities. Albeit a diachronic approach to the sub-theme may have its place, the main aim of this CIVIS course will be a reflection on recent contacts in multicultural societies and the globalized world and its impact in different areas of knowledge and artistic creation, hence stimulating a transdisciplinary approach to the cohesive topic of migrations in multicultural societies.

Languages, indissociable from culture and identity, carry themselves the traces of human journeys and contacts, of which Romance languages are a good example. Developing language skills will also be a central point of this session, as language learning allows, not only for effective communication, but to promote understanding and respect for cultural differences.

The program will hence include language tandems a long side with lectures, round tables, cultural events and collaborative work in a multicultural, multilingual and multidisciplinary settings.

Dates: 24 January - 4 February Location: Brussels, Belgium 
ECTS: 5 (tandem language learning) +2 (taught content) Format: Blended
Langue: English (B1), French N° of CIVIS scholarships: 20

This blended mobility CIVIS course is organised in online lectures and a physical mobility to Brussels, Belgium, depending on the Covid-related restrictions that will be in force at that moment. Selected students will be supported by a grant to stay in Brussels, Belgium. If travelling is not allowed or restricted, the course will take place online. More information will be provided as soon as possible.

The course is organised in 10 daily sessions, from Monday to Friday, from 9.00 to 15.30.

The recognition of ECTS depends on your home university. 

The course is offered primarily in English. It can be offered in French as an alternative only if all the participants are French-speaking.


Applicants should be Bachelor's, Master or PhD students. Students from all fields of studies from European and African institutions are welcome, but please note that students from the CIVIS alliance will be prioritised and will benefit from a mobility scholarship.

A B1 level in English (or French) is required.

Application process

Applicants should send their CV (Europass format) and a motivation letter (max 500 words) by 21 November 2021 to ana.sofia.corga.vieira@ulb.be.

Selected students will be notified on 24 November 2021.


The assessment will be based on a challenge-driven learning strategy, involving a reflection on the proposed theme of migrations with multiple declinations offered, the writing of an article following student’s own research, following their own research interests and creative thinking. Furthermore, the multilingual context will facilitate language learning.

For the 5 tandem credits students will produce a logbook and activity report (1000 words), a bilingual thematic dossier (1000 words), and a linguistic dossier (1000 words).

For the 2 metamorphosis credits students will produce a written article (5000 characters), an Instagram virtual museum with virtual tour and give an oral presentation. 

GDPR Consent

The CIVIS alliance and its member universities will treat the information you provide with respect. Please refer to our privacy policy for more information on our privacy practices. By applying to this course you agree that we may process your information in accordance with these terms.

Alice Toma

Alice Toma is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Linguistics of the Faculty of Letters at the University of Bucharest (UB) and a Romanian Lecturer at the Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB). She is a Doctor of Philology (Bucharest, 2005) and a Doctor of Letters in Linguistics (Geneva, 2010). She has published about 100 articles and studies in scientific journals in Romania and abroad and she is the author of several volumes, individually as in collaboration with colleagues at ULB and UB. She is a member of several linguistics, terminology and rhetoric associations: SSL, SLB, Realiter, SLR, ISHR, and others. Her research interests include: discourse analysis, textual linguistics, pragmatics, semantics, language for scientific purposes, terminology, argumentation, RLS, rhetoric and literature.

Ana Corga Vieira

Ana Corga Vieira is a Lecturer of Portuguese Language and Culture for Camões, Portuguese Institut for Cooperation and Language. She currently teaches language and culture subjects at the Université libre de Bruxelles and at the University of Antwerp, following some years of experience in Guinee Bissau and the Democratic Republic of Congo, which included the coordination and participation in projects to reinforce the linguistic capacities of teachers. She also directs the Portuguese Language Centre in Brussels, which includes developing and implementing cultural projects as a preferential vehicle for plurilingual and pluricultural competence.

Sabina Gola

Sabina Gola, PhD in Romance Philology, is a Lecturer at the Université libre de Bruxelles and she has been teaching the Italian language since 1998. She is an Academic Coordinator of French as a Foreign Language. Her scientific interests lie in the Italian language but also in the intercomprehension between Romance languages and didactics of plurilingualism. She designed and developed MultiGram, an open-source multilingual online platform that has been honoured with the Socrates 2018 Pedagogy Award from the Université libre de Bruxelles. With Annick Englebert and Alice Toma, she designed RomaNet, the platform for Romance languages. She is also the academic Head of the "Linguistic Tandem" module.

Ernestine Carreira

Ernestine Carreira is a graduate of the École Normale Supérieure, she holds a Master's degree in Portuguese Studies from the University of Paris IV-Sorbonne (1987) and a PhD from the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (1993). She has been teaching at Aix-Marseille Université since 1993, where she is currently the Director of the Department of Portuguese and Brazilian Studies. She has been appointed as a Member of the Consultative Council of the Consulate General of Portugal in Marseille since 2009, and she is the Chairman of the Board of the Chair Eduardo Lourenço (AMU/Instituto Camões/M.A.E. Portugal). In addition, she has extensive experience in international research projects and lectures, dozens of academic publications, including books chapters, collective publications, scientific journals, communications and exhibitions.

Adriana Coelho Florent

Adriana Coelho Florent, born in São Paulo (Brazil), is graduated in Foreign Languages, Literature and Civilizations from the University of Provence – Aix-Marseille I (1986). At the same institution, she completed her master in LLCE-Portuguese (1988) and her PhD in Roman Studies (1999). Between 1995 and 2010, she had teaching experience at the University of Nice and at the University of Paris – Saint-Denis. Since 2010 she is a professor (Maître de conferences) at the Portuguese and Brazilian Studies Department of Aix-Marseille Université, where she is also Director of Studies. Besides, she has extensive experience with research and several academic publications, which includes books chapters, scientific journals, and participation in international colloquia, mainly about the Culture and Literature of the Portuguese-speaking world.

Cristina Castelo Branco

Cristina Castelo Branco, born in Lisbon, graduated in architecture from Porto School of Architecture (Porto, 1994), post-graduated in Urban Design by ISCTE (Lisbon, 1997), PhD in Architecture by Coimbra University (Coimbra, 2020). In 1998 she created the atelier Lema Barros + Castelo Branco with internationally awarded projects (finalists of the 2006 FAD awards.) In 2005, she accepted an invitation to become Urbanism Counsellor in Torres Vedras City Council (where she creates the Municipal Project Office, launches the program for the discovery and defence of architecture and heritage, “Kit for the Defense of Heritage”. In 2012 she starts her doctoral thesis, the same year that she moves to France, to Aix-en-Provence, where she installs an architecture studio, teaching at the University Aix Marseille in addition to project practice. Researcher at the (EU)ROPA - Rise of Portuguese Architecture: Fundamentals, Platform, Progression, European research project, since 2018. Since 2015, she teaches in the three-year and master's degree courses in the Portuguese and Brazilian Studies Department of AMU.

Elena Ippoliti

Elena Ippoliti, graduated in Architecture (cum laude), PhD in Surveying and Representation of Built Environment, Associate Professor (qualified as full professor) at Sapienza University of Roma, Department of History, Representation and Restoration of Architecture - SDRA.

She teaches in the three-year and master's degree courses in Architecture, in Design and in the PhD in History, Representation and Restoration of Architecture. In recent years, she has oriented her research towards critical reflection and experimental investigation on the use of digital technologies for the enhancement of cultural heritage. In particular, she dealt with the definition of visual languages for knowledge, communication and use of cultural heritage values. Since 2015 she is in fact director of the Master in "Communication of cultural heritage" (Sapienza, SDRA Department) which since 2018 has been included in the DTC Lazio Center of Excellence.

She is the Director of editorial series published by Franco Angeli "Forme del Disegno"; she is a member of scientific and editorial committees of magazines and series, scientific committees and organizers of national and international conferences, congresses and exhibitions.


Laura Farroni

Laura Farroni, graduated in Architecture (cum laude), PhD in Surveying and Representation of Built Environment, Researcher (qualified as a professor) at Roma Tre University, Department of Architecture.

She teaches in the three-year and master's degree courses in Architecture and she is a member of the Collegio of the PhD in Architecture: Innovation and Heritage of Roma Tre. She deals with theoretical and applied research at the Survey and Digital Technologies Laboratory of the RilTec, Department of Architecture of Roma Tre. The themes concern Digital Heritage and Visual Studies for documentation and informative activities. Some interest is the relationship between the idea of the project and its representation from centuries past to today, visual communication and techniques for enhancing the image.

She has participated as a speaker in many conferences and she is the author of numerous publications, including the monograph “L'arte del disegno a Palazzo Spada. L'astrolabium catoptrico gnomonicum di Emmanuel Maignan”, 2019, Roma: De Luca Editori d'Arte.
