CIVIS at European Association for International Education Conference (EAIE24)
17 a 20 septiembre 2024
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- 17 a 20 septiembre 2024

Between 17-20 September, booth B72 will host the "CIVIS Station", a space showcasing the journey of the Alliance designed for visitors to meet, exchange and come together with CIVIS members. The new CIVIS logo will also be revealed there, among other surprises.
A series of joint activities with other participating European Universities Alliances will be organised before and during EAIE24, as part of the first steps of consolidating the community of practice FOREU4All. These include the confererence Internationalisation of European Universities Alliances: the new frontiers, hosted on September 17 by the Université de Toulouse and la Région Occitanie. Joint communication materials are being developed in coordination with other participating Alliances.
Three sessions to disseminate CIVIS achievements and lessons learned will take place during EAIE24. Our experience with Blended Intensive Programmes, the journey of creating a truly transdisciplnary joint master and our collaboration with and partnership with universities in Africa will be at the centre of the presentations.
Three sessions to disseminate CIVIS achievements and lessons learned
18 September 2024, 14:30 – 16:00 CEST: The journey of a joint master's in Transdisciplinary Studies of Climate, Environment and Energy (103) - poster session
- In this poster session, Alexandru Cartis (CIVIS Head of Education Unit, University of Bucharest) and Sara Laginder (Stockholm University) will explore the challenges and opportunities of setting up an innovative joint programme, using the practical example of a Master’s in transdisciplinary studies in climate, environment and energy. Learn more on how you can work with 17 partners in one joint transdisciplinary programme!
19 September 2024, 11:30 – 12:30 CEST: BIPs and European University Alliances: A match for the future (S6.07) - panel session
- The flexibility of Blended Intensive Programmes can be used to internationalise the curriculum and develop a global mindset among staff and students. BIPs can widen access to international experiences to a more diverse cohort of students, and they can help to develop mutually beneficial collaboration with international partners. During this session, Lars Banzhaf (CIVIS Head of Mobility, University of Tübingen), Alexandru Cartis (CIVIS Head of the Education Unit, University of Bucharest) and Maria Isabel Soldevila Brea (CIVIS Head of Communication, Université libre de Bruxelles) will provide practical examples of how to plan and implement BIPs.
20 September 2024, 09:00 – 10:00 CEST: African–European student mobility: How to get en route to equity and success (S9.10) - fishbowl session
- Student exchange between Africa and Europe is still relatively constrained. What are the obstacles and how can they be overcome? Is it time for a specific strategy to promote an equitable mobility partnership in an often extremely unequal setting? This session brings together African and European higher education practitioners and explores how institutions can foster African–European student mobility, as well as its policy implications. Speakers are: Christian Möllmann (CIVIS Global Partnerships Officer, University of Tübingen), Edward Bbaale (Makerere University, Uganda) and Omar El Ghazi (Hassan II University of Casablanca, Morocco).
Check the full programme and join us!