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Blended Intensive Programmes - Call for proposals

15 abril a 31 mayo 2024

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Open to
CIVIS academics & researchers
15 abril a
31 mayo 2024
The 5th CIVIS call for BIPs is now open! Academics from all CIVIS member universities (also including non-Erasmus+ CIVIS member universities: University of Glasgow, University of Lausanne and the African partner universities) are invited to cooperate with peers and establish innovative BIPs for students at CIVIS member universities.

Every BIP combines online teaching with a short period of physical mobility, an innovative format which opens up opportunities for international study. An ambitious educational program that allows you to make links with your research and raise visibility to your faculty, laboratory, institute, territory, partnerships.

Each BIP is developed, organised and taught by academics at three or more CIVIS member universities, meeting the Erasmus+ requirements and regulations in order to receive funding.

 General characteristics of the CIVIS BIPs 

  • Designed and implemented in a blended format: both a physical (5 days) and a virtual component are compulsory. The virtual component must bring the learners together online to work collectively and simultaneously on specific assignments that are integrated in the blended intensive programme and count towards the overall learning outcomes. The virtual component can represent any volume of virtual learning and take place before or after the physical mobility.
  • Includes academic staff and student participants from three EU CIVIS member-universities. University of Glasgow and University of Lausanne, as well as the African associate partners, can participate, but do not count towards the 'minimum three partners' requirement (Erasmus+ criterion).
  • Are eligible for Erasmus+ organisational support (OS) funding between 6.000 EUR and 8.000 EUR, based on the number of mobile students with an Erasmus+ grant (15 to 20 students). The maximum level of OS funds can be 8.000 EUR, even if the number of mobile students is above 20 (there is no maximum limit related to the number of students participating in the BIP). The allocation and distribution of OS funds is done by the Erasmus Office of the organising university, based on the proposal of the BIP coordinators. Tuition / course fees are strictly forbidden and cannot be requested to participants.
  • Mobility funding will be awarded based on the internal regulations of each sending university, in line with the Erasmus+ programme. Moreover, participants coming from the University of Glasgow, the University of Lausanne, or the African partner universities will travel based on the internal regulations in their respective university.
  • Any student enrolled in one of the 11 CIVIS universities or the CIVIS African partner universities, at Bachelor, Master, or Doctoral Programme level, provided they are enrolled at their home university throughout the entire period of the BIP. Students must meet entry criteria as defined by the BIP coordinators. Detailed participant profile, related to the level and field of study, or other specific characteristics, will be defined for each BIP.
  • Upon successful graduation from a BIP, students receive between 3 and 9 ECTS credit points from the coordinating university (which correspond to a student workload ranging between 75 and 270 hours of student activity, divided in hours guided by professor and hours of individual work conducted by the students). A clear division of the learning outcomes for each ECTS credit point (based on calculated workload) is required, especially for BIPs ranging from 7 ECTS credit points to 9 ECTS credit points, supporting learning recognition for students from CIVIS universities. Any form of recognition is dependent on the students’ home institution. Assessment of the acquired competencies / learning outcomes is mandatory and must be included in the programme, the method(s) being further described in the application.
  • Academics / teaching / training staff members participating in the physical component of the BIP must prove at least 8 hours of teaching activity during the 5 days of the physical component (excepting the staff of the hosting university). Non-EU universities will use their own funds and processes to support staff mobility; the minimum teaching requirement may be different, depending on sending the university’s rules.
  • The main suggested language of instruction for BIPs is English, but BIPs can be designed and delivered in any of the other languages of the CIVIS universities (DE | EL | ES FR | IT RO | SV).

List photo: AMU, Elea Ropiot

To ensure adequate promotion and smooth administrative students mobility management & enrolment, CIVIS BIPs will be implemented according to the following calendar:

  • Application period for BIP projects: 15th April – 31st May 2024
  • Selection of BIPs by CIVIS HUBs (supported by Education Unit & Mobility Unit): 1 June – 30 June 2024
  • Validation of selected BIPs by CIVIS Steering Committee: July 2024
  • Application period for students: 15 September – 3 November 2024
  • Selection of students by Erasmus+ Offices and BIP Coordinators: 4 November – 10 December 2024
  • Earliest starting date for virtual component: from 1 March 2025
  • Earliest starting date for physical component: from 1 March 2025
  • Latest eligible date for BIP implementation: 31 July 2025

General CIVIS BIP contact point:

CIVIS Mobility Unit

CIVIS Education Unit

Aix-Marseille Université (France)

National & Kapodistrian University of Athens (Greece)

Université libre de Bruxelles (Belgium)

University of Bucharest (Romania)

University of Glasgow (UK)

University of Lausanne (Switzerland)

Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain)

Sapienza Università di Roma (Italy)

Paris Lodron University of Salzburg (Austria)

Stockholm University (Sweden)

University of Tübingen (Germany)

African partner universities

For exploring cooperation with African partner universities, interested academics should contact and inform: