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Sapienza opening of the academic year, held outside the Rome University for the first time

26 febrero 2025
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The Flavio Vespasiano Theatre hosted the Opening Ceremony of the academic year 2024-2025, the 722nd since SUR's foundation. For the first time, this institutional event was held outside the Rome University campus. This was to enhance the new Rieti project, with new degree courses and workshops in sustainable engineering, circular economy and in the medical area.

The event was opened with rector Antonella Polimeni's speech, underlining Sapienza's commitment to make educational and scientific planning more flexible and more permeable to the stimuli, talents and traditions of the territories:

It is a paradigm shift, a turning point in the interpretation of the tasks that a great university feels the need to undertake. In Rieti, our university has been working for several years in collaboration with local institutions and authorities. The virtuous vector that unites Sapienza with this and other areas is represented by the students, who demand an increasingly qualified offer to safeguard a future that is up to the challenges that await them in the coming years, stated Antonella Polimeni. 

The European Union itself has strongly encouraged this vision, advocating the need to promote more holistic, proactive and territory-based organisational, economic and cultural strategies.  The positive effect of the decentralisation of university locations on local development, employment and the growth of human capital was documented by important international studies. 

The Rieti teaching and research hub

Promoted by Sapienza and the University of Tuscia, Rieti was inaugurated two years ago, now counting over 1200 students and 16 degree courses. 

The inter-university project envisages new degree courses and integrated laboratories in the fields of sustainable engineering, circular economy and agrifood, as well as the implementation of the healthcare offering to enhance local medicine and the quality of training in the medical area.

More details are available in the original, Italian story

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