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CIVIS receives EUR 2 million to reinforce the research dimension of its European Civic University

25 julio 2020
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The European Commission has published the evaluation results for the Horizon 2020 "SWAFS" call for projects.  "RIS4CIVIS" has been awarded with 2 million euros for structuring the joint research of the CIVIS European University Alliance.

The project “RIS4CIVIS” will support the R&I Dimension of the CIVIS European University in line with its shared, integrated, long-term strategy and in synergy with their education dimension. The project has a 3-years duration and 2 millions euros budget for the universities’ alliance. 

The objective is to develop a common R&I strategy for the consortium sharing research infrastructures, reinforcing human capital, mainstreaming Open Science practices and reinforcing the cooperation with businesses and civil society. 

The European University initiative has the ambition to reinforce the links among training and research creating an institution capable to solve the global challenges of the future. Synergies among RIS4CIVIS and the initiatives implemented within the Erasmus+ project are foreseen as crucial to meet the objectives of the European University and the development of the challenge-based Hubs.


The ‘Science with and for Society’ (SWAFS) programme is coordinated by the European Commission under Horizon 2020. This flagship programme aims at fostering the cooperation between Science and Society supporting extensive actions in Research and Innovation to tackle European societal challenges.