During the conflict in Ukraine, UAM has worked tirelessly to provide the Ukrainian students with a safe and supportive environment. To achieve this, various university services have played a key role in the process. Among the actions developed at the UAM, we can mention Language Service, which has facilitated communication, and the Legal Clinic, which has provided legal support to overcome the bureaucratic barriers faced by the students.
Education and solidarity in times of crisis
Besides the awarding ceremony, the results of the plan and its impact on the university community were also presented. The Rector of the UAM, Prof. Amaya Mendikoetxea, underlined the importance of education and solidarity in times of crisis, reaffirming the University's commitment to providing support and training to those in need and appealed to the university community:
Today, more than ever, education and solidarity are fundamental pillars to face the challenges imposed by global crises. Let us continue to work together so that our university remains an inclusive, supportive and committed space for human rights. The UAM will always remain your refuge, a place of welcome, learning and hope for all of you who seek to rebuild your lives through education. You have given us much more than we have been able to give you”, said Prof. Mendikoetxea.
The answer was not long in coming: “Each of the refugee students is a story and I thank this university for the great work it is doing in this war situation”, replied Serhii Ustymenko, Minister-Counsellor of the Ukrainian Embassy in Spain.
A forum for reflection
The “University-Refuge Plan” conference created a forum for reflection, analysis and debate on humanitarian crises within the context of the United Nations 2030 Agenda, highlighting the role of the UAM in the reception of refugees.
During the meeting, the specific actions funded by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities to strengthen institutional commitment to humanitarian crises were presented. The day also included the “Actions for the reception and integration of refugees” round table.
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