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Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen

Innovative, interdisciplinary, international: These three keywords sum up what makes the University of Tübingen special. Excellent research and teaching are Tübingen’s answer to the challenges of the future in a globalized world. We foster numerous exchanges with partners around the globe – institutions of higher education as well as non-university research institutions. Networks and collaborations across faculty and subject boundaries are the pillars of our successful strategy. This is also reflected in our good position in international rankings. In addition, we are one of eleven German universities distinguished as “excellent” in the Excellence Initiative competition by the German federal and state governments.


Around 5,600 scientists and researchers are currently employed at the University – many are among the best in their field. The University has ten core research areas with a high density of complex collaborative research projects: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Neuroscience, Translational Immunology and Cancer Research, Microbiology and Infection Research, Plant Molecular Biology, Geoscience and Environmental Research, Human Evolution and Archaeology, Language and Cognition, History as well as Education and Media.

Tübingen expressly supports common European values. These include the freedom of research and academia, the freedom of expression, the equality of all human beings and respect for human dignity, regardless of a person’s origins, religion, social status, gender, or sexual orientation. The University of Tübingen actively supports progressive developments in society and promotes peaceful coexistence, sustainable development, and the protection of the environment.

We regard the diversity of our students and employees as a great strength. It is our paramount task to support them all in their quest for knowledge and education. The motivation of its employees is an important factor in the success of a university. With this in mind, the University of Tübingen makes every effort to enable its faculty, staff, and students to reconcile their working lives and studies with their family obligations.


Country: Germany
City: Tübingen
Unviersity's name: Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
Date of creation: 1477


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Few figures

Number of students 2023/24

  • 28,619 students (11,572 male students; 17,047 female students)

Number of staff 2023

  • 557 professors
  • 5589 academic staff
  • 2524 non-academic staff

Number and names of faculties and/or schools

7 faculties

  • Faculty of Protestant Theology
  • Faculty of Catholic Theology
  • Faculty of Law
  • Faculty of Medicine
  • Faculty of Humanities
  • Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences
  • Faculty of Science

Number of PhD theses defended in 2022-2023: 682