359 news
Still unsure about the BIPs? Discover how fabulous an experience they can be25 septembre 2023
Explore our podcasts series on RIS4CIVIS transformational modules22 septembre 2023
PolyCIVIS: Confronting the Polycrisis in Europe and Africa22 septembre 2023
SMARTT participated in the II Forum of Universities for the Future of Europe in Barcelona18 septembre 2023
The European Conference on Educational Research: the Power of Diversity and the contributions of the Universities Alliances to higher education14 septembre 2023
SMARTT presented the initial results of testing the European degree label criteria8 septembre 2023
5 September 2023: The SMARTT project team will present the initial results of testing the European degree label criteria31 août 2023
Laureates of the CIVIS3i Second Call for Postdoctoral Fellowships selected31 juillet 2023
CIVIS completes visiting tour to strategic partner universities in Africa31 juillet 2023
5th September 2023: The SMARTT project team will present the first outputs on testing the European Degree label criteria28 juillet 2023
RIS4CIVIS Writing Retreat in Marseille24 juillet 2023
The development of micro-credentials in higher education at the forefront during CIVIS Madrid Staff Week11 juillet 2023
CIVIS staff united in Marseille to share Human Resources best practices11 juillet 2023
CIVIS is calling all students! Could YOU become a CIVIS Ambassador?7 juillet 2023
Participatory planning for urban nature: students and academics share tales of a CIVIS course3 juillet 2023
CIVIS3i: A successful first training for postdoc fellows while selection of the second cohort moves ahead!27 juin 2023
RIS4CIVIS Briefing Notes offer recommendations to R&I leaders26 juin 2023
CIVIS Education Council meets in person for the first time23 juin 2023
Virtual reality coins in Tübingen - An academic's view of a CIVIS BIP15 juin 2023
SMARTT meeting with DG EAC, Ministries and Quality Agencies12 juin 2023